How to Delete Element With Domdocument

How to delete element with DOMDocument?

You remove the node by telling the parent node to remove the child:


See DOMNode::$parentNodeDocs and DOMNode::removeChild()Docs.

See as well:

  • How to remove attributes using PHP DOMDocument?
  • How to remove an HTML element using the DOMDocument class

How to remove an HTML element using the DOMDocument class

DomDocument is a DomNode.. You can just call remove child and you should be fine.

EDIT: Just noticed you were probably talking about the page you are working with currently. Don't know if DomDocument would work. You may wanna look to use javascript at that point (if its already been served up to the client)

PHP DOMDocument: Delete elements by class

You need to use the removeChild() method of the parent element:

$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
foreach($xpath->query('//div[contains(attribute::class, "foo")]') as $e ) {
// Delete this node

Btw, about your second question, if there are no elements found, the loop won't iterate at all.

Here comes a working example:

$html = <<<EOF
<div class="main">
<div class="delete_this" contenteditable="true">Target</div>
<div class="class1"></div>
<div class="content"><p>Anything</p></div>

$doc = new DOMDocument();

$selector = new DOMXPath($doc);
foreach($selector->query('//div[contains(attribute::class, "delete_this")]') as $e ) {

echo $doc->saveHTML($doc->documentElement);

How to remove a specific element from DOMDocument in PHP?

$dom = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);

foreach ($xpath->evaluate('//input[@name = "guesstext2"]') as $input) {

PHP domDocument remove element by attribute value

Assuming $_GET['id'] is the cidr value you want to remove, I'd use XPath

$xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
$nodes = $xpath->query('//node[@cidr="' . $id . '"]')
foreach ($nodes as $node) {

PHP DOMDocument not removing all element

The DOMNodeList returned by $dom->getElementsByTagName is "live". So when you remove a script, it's removed from the node list, and all the elements of the list shift their indexes down. Then the for loop goes to the next index, and it ends up skipping every other element.

Convert the node list to an array first.

foreach (iterator_to_array($dom->getElementsByTagName('script')) as $item) {

PHP DOMDocument : How remove a div?

The removeChild method removes a child element from a node. A div cannot be a child element of the document object, only <html> can be (in an HTML document).

Having found the div you want to remove, you need to fetch its parent node. Then call removeChild on that.


Delete root element and all children via PHP DOM Document

Fixing the Code

Several errors in your code:

  1. Your xpath should be "//person" instead of just "person".

  2. $personXPath->evaluate() (DOMXPath::evaluate) returns DOMNodeList, which is an Interator of all the DOMElement that matches the query. Your code expects it to be a DOMElement that has a hasChildNodes method.

So you may change your code to get proper output without error:


$xmlDocument=new DOMDocument;
$personXPath = new DOMXPath($xmlDocument);

$parentNodes = $personXPath->evaluate('//person');
foreach ($parentNodes as $parentNode) {
while ($parentNode->hasChildNodes()){

echo $xmlDocument->saveXML();

This would effectively remove all child nodes of all <person> tags.


<?xml version="1.0"?>

Simply remove all <person>

But the code above does not remove the <person> tags in the XML file. If, for the given XML structure, that you want to remove all <person> tags, there is no need to remove child elements of any <person> at all:


$xmlDocument=new DOMDocument;
$personXPath = new DOMXPath($xmlDocument);

$personNodes = $personXPath->evaluate('//person');
foreach ($personNodes as $personNode) {
echo $xmlDocument->saveXML();


<?xml version="1.0"?>

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