How to Convert Arabic Characters to Unicode Using PHP

How to Convert Arabic Characters to Unicode Using PHP

All what you need is function called: utf8Glyphs which you can find it in ArGlyphs.class.php download it from ar-php
and visit Ar-PHP for the ArPHP more information about the project and classes.

This will reverse the word with same of its characters (glyphs).

Example of usage:

$Arabic = new Arabic('ArGlyphs');

$text = 'بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم';
$text = $Arabic->utf8Glyphs($text);
echo $text;

PHP: convert arabic word to unicode symbols

// text: العربية

// expected: ﺔﻴﺑﺮﻌﻟﺍ


$originalText = 'العربية';
$convertedText = mb_convert_encoding($originalText, 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8');
$decodedText = html_entity_decode($convertedText);

echo 'Original Text: '. $originalText;
echo '<hr />';
echo 'Converted Text: '. $convertedText;
echo '<hr />';
echo 'Converted Text (display in html): '. htmlentities($convertedText);
echo '<hr />';
echo 'Decoded Text: '. $decodedText;

- mb_convert_encoding
- htmlentities
- html_entity_decode

How to convert unicode to arabic characters in php?

I found the solution , hope to help:

function uni2arabic($uni_str) 
for($i=0; $i<strlen($uni_str); $i+=4)
$txt = html_entity_decode("$new", ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");

return $All;

variable $All contains the arabic string

Php removing unicode arabic characters


$string = 'مُشْكِلَةٌ';
$diacritic = array('ِ', 'ُ', 'ٓ', 'ٰ', 'ْ', 'ٌ', 'ٍ', 'ً', 'ّ', 'َ');
$newString = str_replace($diacritic, '', $string);

echo "Old String : ".$string;
echo "New String : ".$newString;


Old String : مُشْكِلَةٌ
New String : مشكلة


Arabic characters and UTF-8 in aria2

Try accessing the file or folder via the browser.
By writing a .htaccess-file with the content "Options Indexes" so that you're folders are shown.(I can even access them via http)

I created multiple files and folders by writing a script where the GET Value file or folder determines the name of the folder or file, I tried it with japanese and arabic characters. Albeit they won't be shown in FTP correctly (In my case only file names like: "?????") they are correctly displayed if you read them by script.

The problem might be at the program you're using to access your FTP, WinSCP for example has UTF-8 normally on "auto" by default, so forcing it might work out.(Although I have to admit that it's not working on my side, maybe my linux server is not supporting utf-8 file names which can also be a problem for you)

Also make sure your php-file is encoded(saved) in UTF-8 without BOM since you're using a constant utf-8 string.

Also if you still intent to use mb_convert_encoding, better add the optional parameter "from_encoding".
I tested this with japanese in a SHIFT-JIS encoded file:

$text = "A strange string to pass, maybe with some 日本語の characters.";
echo mb_convert_encoding($text, 'UTF-8');

and it's not displaying correctly although my browser has UTF-8 activated, so it seems to be not always right when it's trying to detect the Encoding.

So this for example works for me then:

$text = "A strange string to pass, maybe with some 日本語の characters.";
echo mb_convert_encoding($text, 'UTF-8', 'SJIS'); //from SJIS(SHIFT-JIS)

This little script is nice to findout the optional parameter you want for your arabic characters:

But converting won't be necessary if the file is already in UTF-8, it's only making sense if it's in some arabic encoding, so I think this is not really bringing you any further to the solution.

Tried a different FTP-Program, Filezilla displays my files and folder, which have japanese names and the arabic one, correctly. (I was using WinSCP 4.3.4 before)

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