How to Call Shell Script from PHP That Requires Sudo

How to call shell script from php that requires SUDO?

Edit the sudoers file (with visudo) and add a rule that allows the web server user to run the command without a password. For example:

www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: /path/to/script

Executing PHP shell command requires sudo access

When executing php, you might not (probably won't be) in any particular directory. Try specifying the absolute path <?php exec("/usr/bin/phing"); ?> Also, did you mean ping instead of phing?

If the webserver has sudo access (a REALLY BAD IDEA) without a password (a REALLY BAD IDEA!!!) to run this command, then you need to change your code to <?php exec("/usr/bin/sudo phing"); ?>

To be able to run sudo, you will need help from the administrator of your computer. I doubt your administrator will allow this, because it's risky to give the webserver sudo access - a lot of work goes into making sure the web server does NOT have any sort of administrator privileges.

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