How to Build a Condition Based Query in Laravel

How can I build a condition based query in Laravel?

In Fluent you can do:

$query = DB::table('node');

if ($published == true)
$query->where('published', '=', 1);

if (isset($year))
$query->where('year', '>', $year);

$result = $query->get();

How can I build a condition based query in Laravel using eloquent

Build up the query and include the ->where() clause depending on whether or not you have the location in your input:

$query = User::where('role', 'user');

$query = \Input::has('location') ? $query->where('location', \Input::get('location')) : $query;

$availableUsers = $query->take($count)->orderByRaw('RAND()')->get();

Create conditional query in laravel

In where callback function you should pass query instance and for additional params you can pass it in use()

    $product = DB::table('brands')->join('products', '', '=', 'products.brandid')
->where('categoryid', '=', 1)
->where(function ($query)use($search) {

Laravel Query Builder: where condition based on user input

Try this:-

$Select_db = DB::table('mytable');

if (Input::get('name') != "")
$Select_db->where('name', Input::get('name'));

if (Input::get('place') != "")
$Select_db->where('place', Input::get('place'));

if (Input::get('color') != "")
$Select_db->where('color', Input::get('color'));

$result = $Select_db->get();

And if there are multiple columns to match, then try using this:-

$Select_db = DB::table('mytable'); 
foreach($_POST as $key => $val){
if(Input::get($key) != ""){
$Select_db->where($key, Input::get($key));

How can I build a condition based query in Laravel 6.x?

You can use when as a conditional clause:

public function test (Request $request)
$apartments = DB::table('apartments')
->when($request->filled('bathrooms'), function ($query) use ($request) {
return $query->where('bathrooms', '=', $request->input('bathrooms'));
->when($request->filled('rooms_number'), function ($query) use ($request) {
return $query->where('rooms_number', '=', $request->input('rooms_number'));

return view('pages.test2' , compact('apartments'));

How to make laravel query with search condition and filter condition from relational table

You have several OR in your where clauses so adding the last part makes it something like:

WHERE … OR … OR (… AND …)

What you need is to group your orWheres:

$cases->where(function ($query) {
->where('number', 'like', '%'.$this->search.'%')
->orWhere('title', 'like', '%'.$this->search.'%')
->orWhereHas('type', function ($query) use ($key) {
$query->where('name', 'like', $key.'%');

More here:

How to write if elseif else condition laravel query builder?

There's no else counterpart to when() when using multiple conditions (if/elseif/else), but if you think of it, it's just the inverse of the sum of the other conditions. To exactly mirror a PHP if/elseif/else, you need to check the first condition, and then explicitly check the second condition and not the first condition, and to mimic the else condition, its just whichever boolean condition is needed when all else conditions fails.

$query = DB::table('table')
->when($count < 3, function ($q) {
// if count < 3
->when($count > 7, function ($q) {
// else if count > 7
->when($count =< 7 && $count >= 3, function($q) {
// Else, count between 3 and 7 (inclusive)

You can conditionally apply a where clause "manually" by using native PHP if/elseif/else controls and apply a simple where(), which might be more explicit if your conditions become very expressive or complex.

There is however an else condition when you have a simple if/else, as you can provide it another closure. This cannot be used with multiple conditions, as you've originally asked about, but I included it for reference.

$query = DB::table('table')
->when($count < 3, function ($q) {
// if count < 3
}, function($q) {
// Else, count greater or equal to 3

How to build query for multiple condition for same column in laravel query builder?

You are not combining your "where" clauses properly. With the "orWhere" at the end, it essentially ignores all the conditions (ie. which user it relates to) of the preceding where clauses, so adds to the results any row where plan_validity is null. So after you query by user ID and status, you then need to combine the remainder of the query into a logical group like so :

$user = Users::where('user_id', $card_details->user_id)
->where('status', 1)
->where(function (Builder $query) {
return $query
->whereDate('plan_validity', '>=', Carbon::now())
->orWhere('plan_validity', null);

Is there any equivalent of SQL IN (...) query in Laravel for multiple if condition?

You could use PHPs in array function

$arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];

if (in_array($type, $arr) {


If you have multiple groups of values to compare to, use switch()

switch($type) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
echo 'group 1';
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
echo 'group 2';
echo 'no group found';

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