Getting the Value of an Extra Pivot Table Column Laravel

getting the value of an extra pivot table column laravel

When using Many to Many relationships with Eloquent, the resulting model automatically gets a pivot attribute assigned. Through that attribute you're able to access pivot table columns.
Although by default there are only the keys in the pivot object. To get your columns in there too, you need to specify them when defining the relationship:

return $this->belongsToMany('Role')->withPivot('foo', 'bar');

Official Docs

If you need more help the task of configuring the relationships with Eloquent, let me know.


To query the price do this

$model->problems()->where('phone_problem', $problem->id)->first()->pivot->price

Laravel - Get additional column value from pivot table

The following should work:

Sum on the relationship collection:


Sum on the Query Builder:


Also your controller code does not make much sense at the moment and could be simplified to this:

public function show($id)
$medicine = Medicine::findOrFail($id);
$stores = $medicine->stores;

return view('medicines', compact('medicine', 'stores'));

I removed the second call to findOrFail() and removed the get() since it is unnecessary.

How to get extra fields from pivot table - laravel

You have to call withPivot function when establishing the association on User model:

public function tags()
return $this->belongsToMany(Tag::class, 'customer_tag', 'user_id', 'tag_id')

and then call it when getting the result:

$tags = $user->tags;
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
$priority = $tag->pivot->priority;

querying based on the additional pivot table column in laravel

Define the relationship:

public function users()
return $this->belongsToMany(User::class)->withPivot('section');


Course::whereHas('users', function($q) {
$q->where('course_user.section', 'Pending');

Laravel - Save additional column value to pivot table

Since $schools is an array, you'd have to loop and construct what is known as a "syncArray":

$syncArray = [];
foreach ($request->input('schools') as $schoolId) {
$syncArray[$schoolId] = [
'is_open' => $request->has("is_open.{$schoolId}") ? 1 : 0

In the above example, $syncArray would contain an array of $schoolIds, mapped to an array of "additional attributes", in this case is_open:

[1 => ["is_open" => 1], 2 => ["is_open" => 0]]

Then, you'd simply call:


And all the records in your pivot table would be updated to reflect what you've passed. Normally, you'd call sync(), but that removes anything not within $syncArray(), and since this is only updating an attribute, you wouldn't want that.

How to add extra column to pivot table many to many

change table name and class to diffrance name like books, authors
then you can use book_id with author_id

class book {
public function author(){
return $this->belongsTo(App\Models\Author,'id','author_id');

referrance Laravel Eloquent: Relationships


table structure like so:

id - integer
price - integer

id - integer
name - string

item_id - integer
parent_id - integer



namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Item extends Model
public function parent()
return $this->belongsTo(Child::class, 'id', 'item_id');


you can use parnt_id in items table

Schema::create('items', function (Blueprint $table) {

Laravel - Get values from pivot table column, using pivot tables unique row ID

If you're added ID to pivot table (jobloc_id for example) and you want to get row by ID, just use query builder:

DB::table('job_location')->where('jobloc_id', 1)->first();

That's the fastest and simpliest way to do that when you have unique row ID in the pivot table.

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