Get Calling File Name from Include()

Get calling file name from include()

This is actually just a special case of what PHP templating engines do. Consider having this function:

function ScopedInclude($file, $params = array())
include $file;

Then A.php can include C.php like this:

// A.php
ScopedInclude('C.php', array('includerFile' => __FILE__));

Additionally, B.php can include C.php the same way without trouble.

// B.php
ScopedInclude('C.php', array('includerFile' => __FILE__));

C.php can know its includer by looking in the $params array.

// C.php
echo $includerFile;

Get filename of file which ran PHP include

An easy way is to assign a variable in the parent file (before the inclue), then reference that variable in the included file.

Parent File:

$myvar_not_replicated = __FILE__; // Make sure nothing else is going to overwrite
include 'other_file.php';

Included File:

if (isset($myvar_not_replicated)) echo "{$myvar_not_replicated} included me";
else echo "Unknown file included me";

You could also mess around with get_included_files() or debug_backtrace() and find the event when and where the file got included, but that can get a little messy and complicated.

Finding out the filename that called my function in PHP

A solution might be to use the debug_backtrace function : in the backtrace, that kind of information should be present.

Or, as Gordon pointed out in a comment, you can also use debug_print_backtrace if you just want to output that information and not work with it.

For instance, with temp.php containing this :

include 'temp-2.php';

and with temp-2.php containing this :

function my_function() {

Calling temp.php (i.e. the first script) from my browser gets me this output :

0 =>
'file' => string '/.../temp/temp.php' (length=46)
'line' => int 5
'function' => string 'my_function' (length=11)
'args' =>

In there, I have the "temp.php" filename -- which is the one in which the function has been called.

Of course, you'll have to test a bit more (especially in situations where the function is not in the "first level" included file, but in a file included by another one -- not sure debug_backtrace will help much, there...) ; but this might help you get a first idea...

how to get the caller's filename, method name in python

You can use the inspect module to achieve this:

frame = inspect.stack()[1]
module = inspect.getmodule(frame[0])
filename = module.__file__

How to get the file name from a full path using JavaScript?

var filename = fullPath.replace(/^.*[\\\/]/, '')

This will handle both \ OR / in paths

Node.js: How to get filename where function was required from within a module?

Getting Parent Module

You can do this by using module.parent , then resolving the filename property like so:


module.exports(function() {
return {
print : function(message) {
console.log(module.parent.filename + ' ' + message);


var module = require('./module')();


/path/to/app.js hello

Which is almost what you're asking for.

Qualifying The Solution

This solution provides you with a fully qualified path, but you get the filename by splitting the path by its delimiter.

var parentModFilename = module.parent.filename.split(/\\|\//).pop()

Which would then give you "/app.js" in parentModFilename.

Get name of calling function, line number and file name in c++

When I need a fast "printf" logging, I use this marco for message logging that is branded with filename and line:

#define _MSG(msg) do{ std::cerr << __FILE__ << "(@" << __LINE__ << "): " << msg << '\n'; } while( false )

The above macro will inject a msg into a std::cerr pipeline. You can take out parts you need or modify it for your purposes. It hinges on __FILE__ and __LINE__ macros, which are defined by standard:

The presumed name of the current source file (a character string literal).

The presumed line number (within the current source file) of the current source line (an integer

Function names are not so easy to get, and I don't think there is a nice way to get it.

If you want logging through functions I would define some macro, or make function that would take int and char* for line and file respectively. Something like log(int line, char* source_file, string message).

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