Generating Random Numbers Without Repeats

How do I create a list of random numbers without duplicates

This will return a list of 10 numbers selected from the range 0 to 99, without duplicates.

import random
random.sample(range(100), 10)

With reference to your specific code example, you probably want to read all the lines from the file once and then select random lines from the saved list in memory. For example:

all_lines = f1.readlines()
for i in range(50):
lines = random.sample(all_lines, 40)

This way, you only need to actually read from the file once, before your loop. It's much more efficient to do this than to seek back to the start of the file and call f1.readlines() again for each loop iteration.

Unique (non-repeating) random numbers in O(1)?

Initialize an array of 1001 integers with the values 0-1000 and set a variable, max, to the current max index of the array (starting with 1000). Pick a random number, r, between 0 and max, swap the number at the position r with the number at position max and return the number now at position max. Decrement max by 1 and continue. When max is 0, set max back to the size of the array - 1 and start again without the need to reinitialize the array.

Although I came up with this method on my own when I answered the question, after some research I realize this is a modified version of Fisher-Yates known as Durstenfeld-Fisher-Yates or Knuth-Fisher-Yates. Since the description may be a little difficult to follow, I have provided an example below (using 11 elements instead of 1001):

Array starts off with 11 elements initialized to array[n] = n, max starts off at 10:

| 0| 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9|10|

At each iteration, a random number r is selected between 0 and max, array[r] and array[max] are swapped, the new array[max] is returned, and max is decremented:

max = 10, r = 3
v v
| 0| 1| 2|10| 4| 5| 6| 7| 8| 9| 3|

max = 9, r = 7
v v
| 0| 1| 2|10| 4| 5| 6| 9| 8| 7: 3|

max = 8, r = 1
v v
| 0| 8| 2|10| 4| 5| 6| 9| 1: 7| 3|

max = 7, r = 5
v v
| 0| 8| 2|10| 4| 9| 6| 5: 1| 7| 3|


After 11 iterations, all numbers in the array have been selected, max == 0, and the array elements are shuffled:

| 4|10| 8| 6| 2| 0| 9| 5| 1| 7| 3|

At this point, max can be reset to 10 and the process can continue.

Creating a list of random numbers without duplicates in python

Try using a while loop with a condition that checks for the length of lis

while len(lis) < 5:

instead of your for loop

Generating random numbers without repeating.C#

Check each number that you generate against the previous numbers:

List<int> listNumbers = new List<int>();
int number;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
do {
number = rand.Next(1, 49);
} while (listNumbers.Contains(number));

Another approach is to create a list of possible numbers, and remove numbers that you pick from the list:

List<int> possible = Enumerable.Range(1, 48).ToList();
List<int> listNumbers = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
int index = rand.Next(0, possible.Count);

Two Random Numbers Without Repeating

While this doesn't scale happily (in case you need large-scale simulation), you can do this:

di2 <- sample(setdiff(1:4, di1 <- sample(1:12, size = 1)), size = 1)
c(di1, di2)
# [1] 1 2
  • The inner (di1) assignment takes the first from 1:12, so far so good.
  • We then set-diff 1:4 from this so that the second sampling only has candidates that are not equal to di1;
  • The outer (di2) assignment samples from 1:4 without di1 if it was within 1-4.

While not an authoritative proof of correctness,

rand <- replicate(100000, local({ di2 <- sample(setdiff(1:4, di1 <- sample(1:12, size=1)), size = 1); c(di1, di2); }))
# [1] 2 100000
any(rand[1,] == rand[2,])
# [1] FALSE

Creating random numbers with no duplicates

The simplest way would be to create a list of the possible numbers (1..20 or whatever) and then shuffle them with Collections.shuffle. Then just take however many elements you want. This is great if your range is equal to the number of elements you need in the end (e.g. for shuffling a deck of cards).

That doesn't work so well if you want (say) 10 random elements in the range 1..10,000 - you'd end up doing a lot of work unnecessarily. At that point, it's probably better to keep a set of values you've generated so far, and just keep generating numbers in a loop until the next one isn't already present:

if (max < numbersNeeded)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't ask for more numbers than are available");
Random rng = new Random(); // Ideally just create one instance globally
// Note: use LinkedHashSet to maintain insertion order
Set<Integer> generated = new LinkedHashSet<Integer>();
while (generated.size() < numbersNeeded)
Integer next = rng.nextInt(max) + 1;
// As we're adding to a set, this will automatically do a containment check

Be careful with the set choice though - I've very deliberately used LinkedHashSet as it maintains insertion order, which we care about here.

Yet another option is to always make progress, by reducing the range each time and compensating for existing values. So for example, suppose you wanted 3 values in the range 0..9. On the first iteration you'd generate any number in the range 0..9 - let's say you generate a 4.

On the second iteration you'd then generate a number in the range 0..8. If the generated number is less than 4, you'd keep it as is... otherwise you add one to it. That gets you a result range of 0..9 without 4. Suppose we get 7 that way.

On the third iteration you'd generate a number in the range 0..7. If the generated number is less than 4, you'd keep it as is. If it's 4 or 5, you'd add one. If it's 6 or 7, you'd add two. That way the result range is 0..9 without 4 or 6.

How to generate random numbers without repetition in Flutter

you can use the Random class and then use a Set because unlike List you don't need to do any extra checking for duplication as Set itself won't allow any duplicated element.

for example:

Set<int> setOfInts = Set();

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