Error Executing "Putobject" on Aws, Upload Fails

Upload to s3 via PHP fails access denied

I found the problem thanks to this answer. I'm trying to set the ACL 'public-read', but haven't granted myself s3:PutObjectAcl, just s3:PutObject. Changing either fixes the problem.

Thanks anyway for the help.

Error when uploading file to S3: PutObject error

I found the cause in local development case. It is silly. It seems cURL of my mac and php cURL were different version. mac cURL is 7.54.0 and php using cURL is 7.65.3

So i uninstalled last cURL version

brew uninstall curl-openssl --ignore-dependencies

and restarted the php

brew services restart php

Now Its all working.

In case where I mentioned beanstalk was not working too, it was silly ignorant mistake about something else error in code. This one really was my blunder because if I paid more close attention in this case then I could have saved my time a lot.

Can't Upload File to Amazon S3

Try using ap-southeast-1 as the region instead of s3-ap-southest-1.

Aws PHP Sdk 3: S3::putObject(): AWS HTTP error: cURL error 6: Couldn't resolve host ''

There is no such AWS region as "Ireland". The valid regions for S3 are listed on Amazon's web site; the one you're probably trying to use here is EU (Ireland), which would be represented in a region parameter as eu-west-1.

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