Edit Pdf En PHP

Edit PDF en PHP?

If you are taking a 'fill in the blank' approach, you can precisely position text anywhere you want on the page. So it's relatively easy (if not a bit tedious) to add the missing text to the document. For example with Zend Framework:

require_once 'Zend/Pdf.php';

$pdf = Zend_Pdf::load('blank.pdf');
$page = $pdf->pages[0];
$font = Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithName(Zend_Pdf_Font::FONT_HELVETICA);
$page->setFont($font, 12);
$page->drawText('Hello world!', 72, 720);

If you're trying to replace inline content, such as a "[placeholder string]," it gets much more complicated. While it's technically possible to do, you're likely to mess up the layout of the page.

A PDF document is comprised of a set of primitive drawing operations: line here, image here, text chunk there, etc. It does not contain any information about the layout intent of those primitives.

Modify existing pdf document with php

It seems there has been some confusion surrounding the mPDF version syntax and composer usage.
Since you've tried some ill-advised workarounds, I suggest resetting the composer environment and Reinstalling mPDF.

Set the project directory as your CWD

cd /path/to/project

Delete the composer managed files

Linux OS

rm -rf ./vendor
rm ./composer.json
rm ./composer.lock

Windows OS cmd

rmdir /Q /S .\vendor
del .\composer.json
del .\composer.lock

Windows OS PowerShell

Remove-Item -Recurse -Force .\vendor
Remove-Item .\composer.json
Remove-Item .\composer.lock

Reinstall mPDF library files

composer require mpdf/mpdf

Your project directory should contain the following:

Where pdf_creator.php is the script used to generate the PDF.


Check the version of mPDF in your composer.json file

Depending on the version use one of the examples below.

"require": {
"mpdf/mpdf": "^8.0"

mPDF 4.3 to 6.x

Method names use pascal-cased pattern

No namespace

Classname is mPDF()

Example: example41_MPDFI_template.php

/* pdf_creator.php */

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$mpdf = new mPDF();

// set the sourcefile
$mpdf->SetImportUse(); // <--- required for mPDF versions < 8.0
$mpdf->SetSourceFile(__DIR__ . '/hs.pdf'); // absolute path to pdf file

// import page 1
$tplIdx = $mpdf->ImportPage(1);

// use the imported page and place it at point 10,10 with a width of 200 mm (This is the image of the included pdf)
$mpdf->UseTemplate($tplIdx, 10, 10, 200);

// now write some text above the imported page
$mpdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 255);
$mpdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8);
$mpdf->SetXY(95, 16);
$mpdf->Write(0, 'Mindfire');

mPDF 7.x

Method names use pascal-cased pattern

Introduced the \Mpdf namespace

Classname is Mpdf()

Example Importing Files & Templates

/* pdf_creator.php */

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();

// set the sourcefile
$mpdf->SetImportUse(); // <--- required for mPDF versions < 8.0
$mpdf->SetSourceFile(__DIR__ . '/hs.pdf'); // absolute path to pdf file

// import page 1
$tplIdx = $mpdf->ImportPage(1);

// use the imported page and place it at point 10,10 with a width of 200 mm (This is the image of the included pdf)
$mpdf->UseTemplate($tplIdx, 10, 10, 200);

// now write some text above the imported page
$mpdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 255);
$mpdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8);
$mpdf->SetXY(95, 16);
$mpdf->Write(0, 'Mindfire');

mPDF 8.x

Method names use camel-cased pattern

Introduced the \Mpdf namespace

Classname is Mpdf()

Method Mpdf::SetImportUse() was removed

Example Importing Files & Templates

/* pdf_creator.php */

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();

// set the sourcefile
// $mpdf->SetImportUse(); // <--- not needed for mPDF version 8.0+
$mpdf->setSourceFile(__DIR__ . '/hs.pdf'); // absolute path to pdf file

// import page 1
$tplIdx = $mpdf->importPage(1);

// use the imported page and place it at point 10,10 with a width of 200 mm (This is the image of the included pdf)
$mpdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, 10, 10, 200);

// now write some text above the imported page
$mpdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 255);
$mpdf->SetFont('Arial', 'B', 8);
$mpdf->SetXY(95, 16);
$mpdf->Write(0, 'Mindfire');

Now run your script from the CLI to see it emits any errors.

cd /path/to/project
php pdf_creator.php


  • $mpdf->AddPage(); is not needed for editing a PDF file, unless
    adding another page to the resulting output PDF.

Writing/Drawing over a PDF template document in PHP

Have a look at the FPDI Library an add on to FPDF for template annotation.

It can also bolt-on to TCPDF, another popular PHP PDF library. An existing PDF is used as the base of a page, instead of a blank, after that the procedures are the same as regular PDF creation.

Can't edit a existing PDF file with FPDI

A. FPDI download

After you download the fpdi from say https://github.com/Setasign/FPDI, please use the following to get the fpdi started:

require_once 'FPDI-master/src/autoload.php';

The following is a fully working example which I have used in the past for your reference (I've used TCPDF, but I have changed to use fpdf):

B. Testing PHP: testgen.php


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';



$pdf = new FPDI();

$pagecount = $pdf->setSourceFile('ok.pdf');

for ($n = 1; $n <= $pagecount; $n++) {

$tplIdx = $pdf->importPage($n);

$pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'B', 10);

$pdf->SetXY(150, 10);
$pdf->Write(0, "Appendix 1(new)");

$pdf->Output("output_sample_ken.pdf", "D");


In order to faciliate you to further test it, you may download the fpdf / fpdi files from this link:


after that, unzip and upload the files to your webserver PHP folder, then use a browser to run the testgen.php to see the effect. (the php will add the text Appendix 1(new) on each page of the original ok.pdf file, and then download the file)

C. Problem in processing Encrypted PDF

Last but not least, please note that FPDI does not support importing of encrypted PDF documents see the following link:


In my experience, to process an encrypted pdf, you may use something like pdf995 to "print" the encrypted pdf so as to generate a normal pdf, then this latter pdf can be processed by FPDI.

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