Convert Number into Xx.Xx Million Format

Convert number into xx.xx million format?

Try this from,

function nice_number($n) {
// first strip any formatting;
$n = (0+str_replace(",", "", $n));

// is this a number?
if (!is_numeric($n)) return false;

// now filter it;
if ($n > 1000000000000) return round(($n/1000000000000), 2).' trillion';
elseif ($n > 1000000000) return round(($n/1000000000), 2).' billion';
elseif ($n > 1000000) return round(($n/1000000), 2).' million';
elseif ($n > 1000) return round(($n/1000), 2).' thousand';

return number_format($n);

echo nice_number('14120000'); //14.12 million


Convert price type to xxx milion xxx thousand

This code:

$number = 25400055;

$millionsRemainder = $number % 1000000;

$millions = ($number - $millionsRemainder) / 1000000;

$thousandsRemainder = $millionsRemainder % 1000;

$thousands = ($millionsRemainder - $thousandsRemainder) / 1000;

echo $millions . ' million ' . $thousands . ' thousands ' . ' and ' . $thousandsRemainder;

Should output "25 million 400 thousands and 55"

Number format for post view count

You can't really do that right out of the box.

There's a neat function that will help you achieve what you want:

# Output easy-to-read numbers
# by james at
function bd_nice_number($n) {
// first strip any formatting;
$n = (0+str_replace(",","",$n));

// is this a number?
if(!is_numeric($n)) return false;

// now filter it;
if($n>1000000000000) return round(($n/1000000000000),1).' trillion';
else if($n>1000000000) return round(($n/1000000000),1).' billion';
else if($n>1000000) return round(($n/1000000),1).' million';
else if($n>1000) return round(($n/1000),1).' thousand';

return number_format($n);


How to make a good number format?

Here is function i wrote for you:

function my_number_format($number, $thousands_separator=',') {
static $words = array(null, null/*'thousand'*/, 'million', 'billion', 'trillion' , /*etc*/);
$parts = explode(',', number_format($number, 0, null, ','));
$index = count($parts)-1;
$divider = pow(1000, $index);
$result = round($number/$divider, 3);
$result = str_replace('.', $thousands_separator, $result).' '.$wordss[$index];
} else {
$result = join($thousands_separator, $parts);
return $result;

Same function in short syntax:

function my_number_format($number, $thousands_separator=',') {
static $words = array(null, null/*'thousand'*/, 'million', 'billion', 'trillion' , /*etc*/);
$parts = explode(',', number_format($number, 0, null, ','));
$index = count($parts)-1;
return $words[$index]
? str_replace('.', $thousands_separator, round($number/pow(1000,$index),3)).' '.$words[$index]
: join($thousands_separator, $parts);


echo my_number_format(1);           // 1
echo my_number_format(10); // 10
echo my_number_format(100); // 100
echo my_number_format(1000); // 1,000
echo my_number_format(10000); // 10,000
echo my_number_format(100000); // 100,000
echo my_number_format(999999); // 999,999

echo my_number_format(1000000); // 1 million
echo my_number_format(1260000); // 1,26 million
echo my_number_format(234500000); // 234,5 million

echo my_number_format(1000000000); // 1 billion
echo my_number_format(1781000000); // 1,781 billion
echo my_number_format(12781000000); // 12,781 billion

Convert a large scale characters to date-format-like characters in r

Go with sub.

date <- c("20051023", "20151023")
sub("^(\\d{4})(\\d{2})(\\d{2})$", "\\1-\\2-\\3", date)
# [1] "2005-10-23" "2015-10-23"

Oracle Apex - Format number in millions

Not declaratively, as far as I can tell. But, you can do it yourself (perhaps).

  • col is original value
  • c1 is that number (col) divided by a million
  • c2 rounds the result to the 2nd decimal (which is OK, but - decimals are missing (see 1)
  • c3 uses to_char function
  • final_result is c3 concatenated with an M

Note that col, c1 and c2 are numbers, while c3 and final_result are strings.

SQL> with test (col) as
2 (select 1000000 from dual union all
3 select 1234567 from dual union all
4 select 1234567890 from dual
5 )
6 select col,
7 col/1e6 c1,
8 round(col/1e6, 2) c2,
9 to_char(col/1e6, 'fm99990D00') c3,
10 --
11 to_char(col/1e6, 'fm99990D00') || 'M' final_result
12 from test;

---------- ---------- ---------- --------- ---------------
1000000 1 1 1,00 1,00M
1234567 1,234567 1,23 1,23 1,23M
1234567890 1234,56789 1234,57 1234,57 1234,57M


Format long number to shorter version in Lua

Pattern matching doesn't seem like the right direction for this problem.

Assuming 2 digits after decimal point are kept in the shorter version, try:

function foo(n)
if n >= 10^6 then
return string.format("%.2fm", n / 10^6)
elseif n >= 10^3 then
return string.format("%.2fk", n / 10^3)
return tostring(n)





Formating Comment Count in WordPress with PHP

Actually above code is working fine and output is 1.266M

Hard coded example:

$number = 1265788;
if ($number < 1000000) {
// Anything less than a million
$n_format = number_format($number);
echo $n_format;
} else if ($number < 1000000000) {
// Anything less than a billion
$n_format = number_format($number / 1000000, 3) . 'M';
echo $n_format;
} else {
// At least a billion
$n_format = number_format($number / 1000000000, 3) . 'B';
echo $n_format;


$comments_count = wp_count_comments();
$number = $comments_count->total_comments;
if ($number < 1000000) {
// Anything less than a million
$n_format = number_format($number);
echo $n_format;
} else if ($number < 1000000000) {
// Anything less than a billion
$n_format = number_format($number / 1000000, 3) . 'M';
echo $n_format;
} else {
// At least a billion
$n_format = number_format($number / 1000000000, 3) . 'B';
echo $n_format;

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