Check String Length in PHP

Check string length in PHP

Try the common syntax instead:

if (strlen($message)<140) {
echo "less than 140";
if (strlen($message)>140) {
echo "more than 140";
else {
echo "exactly 140";

Checking string length, max and minimum

I guess you can make a function like this:

function validStrLen($str, $min, $max){
$len = strlen($str);
if($len < $min){
return "Field Name is too short, minimum is $min characters ($max max)";
elseif($len > $max){
return "Field Name is too long, maximum is $max characters ($min min).";
return TRUE;

Then you can do something like this:

$errors['field_name'] = validStrLen($field, 12, 20);

php get string length and trim to get only specific string

You are looking for substr()

$string = "hello world how are you";
if (strlen($string) > 11) {
echo substr($string,0,11);

This will result to:

hello world 


Checking string length with strlen

if ($len != 32 && $len != 40)

try that out

Verify string has length greater than 0 and is not a space in PHP

Assuming your string is in $string:

if(strlen(trim($string)) > 0){
// $string has at least one non-space character

Note that this will not allow any strings that consist of just spaces, regardless of how many there are.

If you're validating inputs, you might want to think about other degenerate cases, too, like someone entering just an underscore, or other unsuitable input. If you tell us more about the situation you're trying to deal with we might be able to provide more robust checking.

does isset php function checks string length

The isset() method here just verify if $value[4] (your object, or string, or other) exists or not.

php check string has no space and length greater than limit

A better solution would be to use

word-wrap: break-word;

It will break the string when it gets too long

Measure string size in Bytes in php

You have to figure out if the string is ascii encoded or encoded with a multi-byte format.

In the former case, you can just use strlen.

In the latter case you need to find the number of bytes per character.

the strlen documentation gives an example of how to do it :

PHP Check If String Contains Numbers and Check String Length

You can use is_numeric to check for a numeric field, it doesn't matter whether the variable is a string or not. See example here.

Then you can simply pad using str_pad()

echo $test . ' is not a number!';
echo str_pad($test, 5, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);

Edit: as flixer pointed out, is_numeric() won't actually do what you specifically asked (to check that a string contains only digits, i.e. no periods, commas, dashes etc which would be considered to "be a number"). In this case, use ctype_digit() instead:

$test_number = '123.4';
$test_number2 = '12345';

echo ctype_digit($test_number) ? $test_number . ' is only digits' : $test_number . ' is not only digits';
echo ctype_digit($test_number2) ? $test_number2 . ' is only digits' : $test_number2 . ' is not only digits';

// output:
// 123.4 is not only digits
// 12345 is only digits

The key here is to avoid regex when you have better tools to do the job.

To add a little to this, ctype_digit() might return false when you pass in an integer variable: (example from PHP manual)

ctype_digit( '42' ); // true
ctype_digit( 42 ); // false - ASCII 42 is the * symbol

This can be OK, depending on the situation you're using this in. In your case you're validating a $_GET variable, which is always going to be a string so it won't affect you.


  • str_pad():
  • ctype_digit():

OP Here, this is it all together. Works like a charm...

   if (ctype_digit($getuname) == true) {
$getuname = str_pad($getuname, 5, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);

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