Check If MySQL Table Exists or Not

Check if MySQL table exists without using select from syntax?

If you want to be correct, use INFORMATION_SCHEMA.

FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'yourdb'
AND table_name = 'testtable'

Alternatively, you can use SHOW TABLES

SHOW TABLES LIKE 'yourtable';

If there is a row in the resultset, table exists.

Checking that a table exists on MySQL

Try using the information_schema to ask if the table exists. Something like

WHERE TABLE_NAME = "$table_array"

Take a look through everything the information_schema holds, you will be pleasantly surprised by the information it has stored about your databases :)

Check if a table exists in mysql

You can try this codeigniter function to check table already exist.

   if ($this->db->table_exists('tbl_user')) {
// table exists (Your query)
} else {
// table does not exist (Create table query)

Check if MySQL table exists or not

Updated mysqli version:

if ($result = $mysqli->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$table."'")) {
if($result->num_rows == 1) {
echo "Table exists";
else {
echo "Table does not exist";

Original mysql version:

if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE '".$table."'"))==1) 
echo "Table exists";
else echo "Table does not exist";

Referenced from the PHP docs.

MySQL check if a table exists without throwing an exception

Querying the information_schema database using prepared statement looks like the most reliable and secure solution.

$sql = "SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.tables 
WHERE table_schema = database() AND table_name = ?";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$exists = (bool)$stmt->fetchColumn();

How to check a condition whether table exist or not in RMysql

Here's what I do. Maybe there's something else that's more robust or generalizable?

Just "show tables" as a query and check for the presence of your table name in the result.

loadData <- function() {
db <- dbConnect(
dbname = databaseName,
host = host,
port = port,
user = user,
password = password

rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "show tables")
table.frame <- fetch(rs, n = -1)
if ("some_table" %in% table.frame[, 1]) {

res <- dbSendQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM some_table")
final_data <- dbFetch(res)

} else {

mysql) select values if table exists

This cannot be achieved using a simple query because MySQL analyses the query as a whole before performing it: it is not a procedural language and the queries are never executed line by line.
To do what you want to do without help of any other language, you must use stored procedures:

So the first step is to add a new FUNCTION in your database that will contain the "if table exists" part (see for if statements) and will return the desired value based on the schema, table, and column provided as strings in input of the function.
Then you can use the FUNCTION in any query in your database.

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