Call to a Member Function Fetch() on Boolean

PHP PDO: Call to a member function fetch() on boolean

This line here is one of the reasons. execute returns true or false indicating if the query succeeded or failed.

$query1 = $stmt->execute([$userToGet]);

In a sense, $query1 is a boolean.
Now in these lines, you are trying to access the fetch method from $query1 which is a boolean.

  foreach ($query1->fetch() as $row) {
if($row['admin_db'] == 1){
return true;
} else {
return false;

To get the row, you need to write it like this:

$results = $stmt->fetch();

or in your case:

  foreach ( $stmt->fetch() as $row) {
if($row['admin_db'] == 1){
return true;
} else {
return false;

Error Call to a member function fetch() on boolean in

Try This

//Connexion PDO
$dsn = 'mysql:dbname=bdd_site;localhost';
$user = 'root';
$password = '';
//afficher les erreurs de connection
$bdd = new PDO($dsn, $user, $password);
catch(Exception $e)
die('Erreur : ' . $e->getMessage());
$contenu = $bdd->query('SELECT * FROM commentaire');
//on affiche chaque entrée
while ($donnees = $contenu->fetch()){
<p> commentare de :
<strong><?php echo $donnees['Pseudo']; ?></strong></p>
<p> Note donnée par
<strong> <?php echo $donnees['Pseudo']; ?></strong> : <?php
echo $donnees['Note']; ?></p>
<p> comment :</p>
<p style="color:red;"><?php echo $donnees['Comment']; ?> </p>
$contenu->closeCursor(); //termine traitemennt requête


Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch() on boolean in {path}

Try this instead.

$query = $db_con->prepare(" SELECT SUM(asker_amount) asker, SUM(responder_amount) responder
FROM money WHERE post_id = ? AND author_id = ? AND paid IS NULL");
$query->execute(array($ques_id, $author_ques_id));
$money = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$asker_amount = $money['asker'];
$responder_amount = $money['responder'];

You should be assigning $money the result of the final fetch only.

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function fetch() on boolean in #0 {main} thrown in on line 7

Your PDO constructor is wrong. You are not declaring the database to which the PDO instance should connect to.

$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;root', 'test', '');

The DSN should have the database name and the host name. You have root at the end of it which should not be there.

The line above should be like so:

$db = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbnamehere', 'test', '');

Have a look at the documentation in the future and check that your code corresponds with it.

Call to a member function fetch() on integer in

The exec() method only returns the number of rows effected. You probably want to use query() instead.

$NU=$connection->query("SELECT COUNT(ID) AS Total FROM USERS");
echo "$Result";

The query() statement will execute a single query and return a PDOStatement object you can fetch from or false on failure.

PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function fetch() on boolean

Please use prepared statement

Remove this part

$sql = "SELECT id FROM music WHERE username = '$name' AND pwd='$pwd'";
$users= $music->query($sql);
$music = $users->fetch();

And Replace it with this

$sql = "SELECT id FROM music WHERE username = :name AND pwd=:pwd";
$statement= $music->prepare($sql);
$statement->execute(array(':name'=> $name,':pwd'=>$pwd));
$music = $statement->fetch();

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