Best Place for Validation in Model/View/Controller Model

Best Place for Validation in Model/View/Controller Model?

If you're validating the data on client side (i.e Javascript validation) which is absolutely not enough and not secure at all, You should implement it in View.

If you're validating data on server side, And your validation does not require application business logic (i.e you're not checking to see if the user has enough credit in his account), You should validate in the controller.

If the validation requires business logic, Implement it inside the model and call it via controller.

Postback validation is not good since it puts lots of pressure and delay, And the only advantage is to the programmer (not to be accounted).

You can use regex for most of validation, Which has the same syntax (almost) on PHP and JS.

Where to put validation logic in MVC software architecture

As Shikhar says, the actual checking of whether the name is acceptable/available is a Model responsibility. The controller can provide an action that is called by some AJAX on the page, so that as each key is pressed, the text on the page is sent to the dedicated controller action which then validates it through the model (anything that touches the database is Model).

There are a couple of things to consider in the view, such as when the user is typing quickly, you should cancel the previous calls before making the new one as this can get confusing.

Also the controller post action that happens when the user submits the form at the end of their data entry should perform the same validation as the AJAX action did just to avoid race conditions between users.

What's the recommended place to perform validation: ViewModel, Model or Controller?

I would suggest that you do this in Controllers.

The main reason is that whatever the structure of the app be, you would definitely need to use Ajax to notify the user whether the username has already been taken or not. Otherwise it's just bad usability which doesn't justify your code structure.

And for that you would like to have a action method which could ajax-ly see if the username exists or not.

Overall, it does mean you may end up with two sets of validation method (UI and model) but its all for a good cause.

Also to make a good usable site you would definitely be using a Javascript framework like knockoutjs or backbone. Thats true MVVM and in that case having your ViewModels being the Model layer classes (as Chris mentioned) is not a good idea. So basically you'll end up with two sets of validation anyways.

Where do you do your validation? model, controller or view

I check in all tiers, but I'd like to note a validation trick that I use.

I validate in the database layer, proper constraints on your model will provide automatic data integrity validation.

This is an art that seems to be lost on most web programmers.

MVC validation: where to validate?

Data validation is the responsibility of the model. The best place to put validation rules in my opinion is as constraints in the database. Having constraints ensures that no incorrect data will ever be stored in the database, no matter how it is access. Unfortunately only basic constraints are suitable to express in the database.

The next place to put validation, when using linq-to-sql for data access, I is the extension methods on the entity classes. Then all code will have to pass through the validation.

To improve user experience, basic validation can be repeated in the UI, but that is just for user experience and to catch the most common mistakes early. On the web, using JavaScript validation is preferable. On rich clients the same code as the one called by the extension methods can sometimes be reused.

Always remember that any service exposed to a client, could be called by a malicious client that lacks the validation that the real client does. Never trust the client to do any kind of validation or security checks correctly.

Where does input validation belong in an MVC application?

I don't think there's an official best practice limiting validation to any single part of the MVC pattern. For example, your view can (and should) do some up-front validation using Javascript. Your controller should also offer the same types of validation, as well as more business-logic related validation. The model can also offer forms of validation, i.e., setters not allowing null values.

There's an interesting discussion of this at joelonsoftware.

MVC Question: Should I put form validation rules in the controller or model?

Validation is Model's issue. Only model knows how your data should look like. You describe your data fields in model, so you should describe validation rules for this fields in the same place.

It seems to be obvious for me, but I'd gladly listen to opponents.

MVC - where to implement form validation (server-side)?

From Wikipedia:

Model-view-controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern used in software engineering. Successful use of the pattern isolates business logic from user interface considerations, resulting in an application where it is easier to modify either the visual appearance of the application or the underlying business rules without affecting the other. In MVC, the model represents the information (the data) of the application and the business rules used to manipulate the data; the view corresponds to elements of the user interface such as text, checkbox items, and so forth; and the controller manages details involving the communication to the model of user actions such as keystrokes and mouse movements.

Thus, model - it holds the application and the business rules.

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