.Zshrc Config File Syntax Error

.zshrc config file syntax error

Remove the spaces from your alias command. The correct syntax is

eeyore% alias g2sites = "cd /Users/MYNAME/Dropbox/Development"
zsh: bad assignment
eeyore% alias g2sites="cd /Users/MYNAME/Dropbox/Development"

in mac always getting zsh: command not found:

It's evident that you've managed to mess up your PATH variable. (Your current PATH doesn't contain any location where common utilities are located.)


export PATH

Alternatively, for "resetting" zsh, specify the complete path to the shell:

exec /bin/zsh


exec /usr/bin/zsh

Some .zshrc settings aren't loaded

Something you do in .zshrc following source ~/.fzf.zsh breaks it. Make sure ~/.fzf.zsh occurs after that, most easily accomplished by moving it to the end of the file.

How to specify a custom path for my .zshrc file?

You can symlink:

ln -s /path/to/original /path/to/symlink

For the zshrc you can do something like:

ln -s ~/.dotiles/.zshrc ~/.zshrc

How do I reset and put the zshrc file back to default?

There is no such thing as "default". The best you can do, is check if your system has /etc/skel/.zshrc. If yes copy that into your home.

When you log in first time, your home is populated with everything from /etc/skel.

Command not found - Oh-My-Zsh


➜ ~ mvn

zsh: command not found: mvn


step 1:

    vim ~/.zshrc

step 2:(Add at the end of the file)

    source ~/.bash_profile;

step 3:(Execution shell)

    > source ~/.bash_profile

You can use mvn :

➜ / mvn

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