Total Size of the Contents of All the Files in a Directory

Total size of all file types in a folder

Is there a way to do this in linux (e.g. some form of ls or grep)? If there is, it is probably supported by cygwin.

In other words, you could install cygwin and then run something like the 'find' command shown here:

Also, if you put the cygwin executable directory in your PATH environment you can run all of the cywin commands from a windows command prompt.

And if you just want a good way to see where all of your disk space is being used there are a number of good tools for that. I personally like spacesniffer.

powershell filesize total from a directory listing

You will have to iterate the files contained in JPGS.LST:

$TotalSize = 0
ForEach ($File in Get-Content '.\JPGS.LST'){
If (Test-Path $File.Trim('"')){$TotalSize+=(GI $File.Trim('"')).Length}else{"$File not found"}
"`$TotalSize={0:N2} MB" -f ($TotalSize/1MB)

Total size of all files

Use Length property of FileInfo

var totalSize = files.Sum(x => x.Length);

Using ls to list directories and their total sizes

Try something like:

du -sh *

short version of:

du --summarize --human-readable *


du: Disk Usage

-s: Display a summary for each specified file. (Equivalent to -d 0)

-h: "Human-readable" output. Use unit suffixes: Byte, Kibibyte (KiB), Mebibyte (MiB), Gibibyte (GiB), Tebibyte (TiB) and Pebibyte (PiB). (BASE2)

Get total size of a list of files in UNIX

You should simply be able to pass $file_list to du:

du -ch $file_list | tail -1 | cut -f 1

du options:

  • -c display a total
  • -h human readable (i.e. 17M)

du will print an entry for each file, followed by the total (with -c), so we use tail -1 to trim to only the last line and cut -f 1 to trim that line to only the first column.

Calculate blocksize of files in nested directories in C

I solved it! I was passing a string corresponding to the name of the file to lstat and not the relative path to the fileSynopsis för the stat function.

ASP.NET: Fast way to get file size and count of all files?

Try dumping recursion, and try dumping linq - it is slow and eats up a lot of memory.

Try this:

  Dim strFolder = "C:\Users\AlbertKallal\Desktop"

Dim MyDir As New DirectoryInfo(strFolder)
Dim MyFiles() As FileInfo = MyDir.GetFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)

For Each MyFile As FileInfo In MyFiles
tSize += MyFile.Length

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