Specially Debugging Line by Line

Specially debugging line by line

Compile file with option -g:

fpc/gpc -g file.pas

Run gdb for this file:

gdb file

Set all of needed variables:

display first_var
display second_var

Start debugging:


By pressing s you can continue to the next line.

What is debugging specifically?

Debugging is the process to in which you make sure your code contains no bugs (or at least as few as possible ;) ).

And there is no "way to go about this" per se. But there are widely accepted techniques that are time-proven to work (as you will see in the first link).

There are also specialized tools for when in the need to debug some specific peace of code... but that will always depend on your needs.

How can we make line by line execution in eclipse?

Use the debugger. Start the program in debug mode with F11 after adding breakpoints or identifying where you want to pause the program manually.

When you want to enter the debugger, switch into the "debug" perspective, and hit the "pause" button on the debug toolbar to pause execution.

On the upper right pane you can see your list of objects and references, and explore each as needed, within each thread that is paused at that moment.

Let's see a screenshot:

Sample Image

Debug Python starting on specific line, not at beginning, like VBA

It seems the easiest/quickest solution is to move the specific line of code to the top of the file (i.e. line 1, not line 1,100), so that it runs first when debugging.

Error settings breakpoints but only on some lines while debugging

The breakpoint and single-step behavior you're describing is usually caused by attempting to debug your project in a "Release" build configuration. In both cases, you are most likely running into cases where the compiler has optimized lines of code away because they are irrelevant.

For example, if you have the following code:

throw new ArgumentNullException("foo");
var x = 0;

The catch block above is useless, and the compiler's flow analysis is smart enough to determine that it can be safely optimized away. If you were to step through the code when running such an optimized build, it would just skip right over your exception handler and jump to the caller's exception handlers. It would also produce strange errors setting breakpoints, especially if you tried to set them on an optimized-away line while your program was already being debugged.

In a debug, non-optimized build, the compiler will keep statements that would otherwise be meaningless (such as, assigning values to a variable that is never used again) specifically because they are useful debugging tools.

Make sure that whatever build configuration you are using does not have the "Optimize Code" checkbox set in the project's "Build" properties. Note that the name of the configuration is meaningless to VS -- if you name your project's build configuration "Debug" but turn on optimization, you get a non-debuggable build.

Why does my vba script work when executed line by line (in debug), but not when running it?

The script works perfectly. I was applying it onto a wrong document, sorry!... :)
Thanks all and have a nice day everyone!...

How to change current break line color in debugging mode?

Looking at the documentation page, I found something that might help you:


  • debugToolBar.background: Debug toolbar background color.
  • debugToolBar.border: Debug toolbar border color.
  • editor.stackFrameHighlightBackground: Background color of the top stack frame highlight in the editor.
  • editor.focusedStackFrameHighlightBackground: Background color of the focused stack frame highlight in the editor.

I think one of the last two is what you're looking for.

Hope it helps.

how to debug with xUnit?

I've not tested this but you should be able to attach visual studio to the xUnit GUI and debug from there.

From the Debug menu select 'attach to process', locate the name of the executable in the list and click attach. Set breakpoints in the unit test as required and run the test from the GUI. The breakpoint should be hit as expected.

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