Shell File Size in Linux

Check folder size in Bash

You can do:

du -hs your_directory

which will give you a brief output of the size of your target directory. Using a wildcard like * can select multiple directories.

If you want a full listing of sizes for all files and sub-directories inside your target, you can do:

du -h your_directory


  • Add the argument -c to see a Total line at the end. Example: du -hcs or du -hc.

  • Remove the argument -h to see the sizes in exact KiB instead of human-readable MiB or GiB formats. Example: du -s or du -cs.

Bash shell script for finding file size

Yes, so basically you could divide it into 4 parts:

  1. ls -l

List the current directory content (-l for long listing format)

  1. | grep TestFile.txt

Pipe the result and look for the file you are interested in

  1. | awk '{print $5}

Pipe the result to awk program which cuts (by using spaces as separator) the fifth column which happens to be the file size in this case (but this can be broken by spaces in the filename, for example)

  1. var=`...`

The backquotes (`) enclose commands. The output of the commands gets stored in the var variable.

NOTE: You can get the file size directly by using du -b TestFile.txt or stat -c %s TestFile.txt

get human friendly file size from shell in unix-like environments [portability]

Most implementations of du(1) accept the -h flag, which causes it to print the disk usage of the file, or files, specified. The difference between disk usage and file size in normally innocuous, rounding up to the nearest file-system block.

The -h flag, though widely supported, is an extension. For maximum portability unit conversion would have to be done manually an pointed out by chepner.

*BSD, Illumos, BusyBox, and GNU CoreUtils all support the -h flag.

Shell file size in Linux

filesize=$(stat -c '%s' testing.txt)

How can I check the size of a file using Bash?

[ -n file.txt ] doesn't check its size. It checks that the string file.txt is non-zero length, so it will always succeed.

If you want to say "size is non-zero", you need [ -s file.txt ].

To get a file's size, you can use wc -c to get the size (file length) in bytes:

actualsize=$(wc -c <"$file")
if [ $actualsize -ge $minimumsize ]; then
echo size is over $minimumsize bytes
echo size is under $minimumsize bytes

In this case, it sounds like that's what you want.

But FYI, if you want to know how much disk space the file is using, you could use du -k to get the size (disk space used) in kilobytes:

actualsize=$(du -k "$file" | cut -f 1)
if [ $actualsize -ge $minimumsize ]; then
echo size is over $minimumsize kilobytes
echo size is under $minimumsize kilobytes

If you need more control over the output format, you can also look at stat. On Linux, you'd start with something like stat -c '%s' file.txt, and on BSD and Mac OS X, something like stat -f '%z' file.txt.

Portable way to get file size (in bytes) in the shell

wc -c < filename (short for word count, -c prints the byte count) is a portable, POSIX solution. Only the output format might not be uniform across platforms as some spaces may be prepended (which is the case for Solaris).

Do not omit the input redirection. When the file is passed as an argument, the file name is printed after the byte count.

I was worried it wouldn't work for binary files, but it works OK on both Linux and Solaris. You can try it with wc -c < /usr/bin/wc. Moreover, POSIX utilities are guaranteed to handle binary files, unless specified otherwise explicitly.

How to find the size of a file and assign it to a variable in Unix

You can use the stat command which eliminates the need to use AWK.

For example, in Linux with Bash where myfile is your file path:

sz=$(stat -c '%s' myfile)
if [ $sz -eq 100 ]; then
echo "myfile is 100 bytes"

Take note of the equality command -eq that's the arithmetic binary operator in Bash.

Alternatively, you can use a variable for the file path:

sz=$(stat -c '%s' $f)
if [ $sz -eq 100 ]; then
echo "$f is 100 bytes"

Unix Bash Shell Scripting File Size

find /your/path/ -size 0 -exec echo rm -i {} \; # will fail if there are spaces in any file names

better way:

find /your/path/ -size 0 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -i

Remove the echo to delete the files

Thanks @Will, @AdamKatz.

Compare file sizes in shell script

Try using square braces ([]) and -eq like so:

I=`wc -c $i | cut -d' ' -f1`
J=`wc -c $j | cut -d' ' -f1`
if [ $I -eq $J ]
      echo $i $j >> $1.pares

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