Sed Append Line

How to append a string at end of a specific line in a file in bash

Using sed and the pattern described:

sed '/$/ myalias/' file

Using sed and a specific line number:

sed '2s/$/ myalias/' file

Append line after [stuff] using the sed command

The address /[stuff]/ is interpreted as a regular expression, i.e., matches any line that contains any of the characters s, t, u or f. To avoid interpretation as a bracket expression, you have to escape the square brackets:

sed -i "/\[stuff\]/ a variable = 1" testfile

How to append data at a particular line in a file using sed , where data is from another file

Why not have sed write its own script?

sed -e "$(sed -e 's|^\(.*\)_data_to_be_appended=\(.*\)|/^\1=.*/ s//\& \2/|' cfg)" script

Inner command reads the config file and emits /^flag=.*/ s//& xyz/
which is then applied to the script file.


flag=abc xyz
echo $flag

The two escaped parenthesis pairs capture key and value as \1 and \2.
In s//& \2/ the // is the null regex which matches the last
regex used (in /^…/) and replaces the entire match (&) followed
by the captured value.

sed insert line command OSX

You should put a newline directly after the \:

sed '3i\
text to insert' file

This is actually the behaviour defined by the POSIX specification. The fact that GNU sed allows you to specify the text to be inserted on the same line is an extension.

If for some reason you need to use double quotes around the sed command, then you must escape the backslash at the end of the first line:

sed "3i\\
text to insert" file

This is because a double-quoted string is processed first by the shell, and \ followed by a newline is removed:

$ echo "abc\

Sed - Insert line with text after match pattern between two strings

Data set:

$ cat test.txt
text text
text text
[textabc pattern 1]
text text
text text
xyz = 123
text text
[textdef pattern 2]
text text
text text

A couple small changes to OPs current sed command:

# current

sed '/^\[textabc pattern 1\]$/,/^\[textdef pattern 2\]/ ^xyz .*/a NEW STRING/' test.txt

# new/proposed (2 lines); the 'a'ppend option requires a new line before the end '}'

sed -e '/^\[textabc pattern 1\]$/,/^\[textdef pattern 2\]/{/^xyz .*/aNEW STRING
}' test.txt

# new/proposed (1 line); break into 2 segments via a 2nd '-e' flag to eliminate need for embedded newline character

sed -e '/^\[textabc pattern 1\]$/,/^\[textdef pattern 2\]/{/^xyz .*/a'"NEW STRING" -e '}' test.txt

Both of the above new/proposed sed commands generate the following:

text text
text text
[textabc pattern 1]
text text
text text
xyz = 123
text text
[textdef pattern 2]
text text
text text

NOTE: Once OP is satisfied with the results the -i flag can be reintroduced to allow sed to make in-place changes to data file.

sed + how to append lines with indent

Apparently the first sequence of characers has to be escaped

sed '/missingok/a\\trotate 1\n\tsize 1k' /etc/logrotate.d/httpd

Append line after last match with sed

Using single awk you can do:

awk 'FNR==NR{ if (/thing4/) p=NR; next} 1; FNR==p{ print "foo" }' file file

thing0 some info
thing4 some info
thing4 some info
thing4 some info
thing2 some info
thing2 some info
thing3 some info

Earlier Solution: You can use tac + awk + tac:

tac file | awk '!p && /thing4/{print "foo"; p=1} 1' | tac

How to append on the same line the variable

You can place your variable directly into the substitution:

sed "s~\(Green:\)~\1$variable~" test.txt

This will match the string Green: and capture it into group \1, you can then append $variable to the captured group in the substitution. Note I have used ~ as a separator as your substitution string contains multiple slashes / which cause problems if you also use / as the separator.

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