Rsync - Mkstemp Failed: Permission Denied (13)

permission denied while trying to copy files from local server to remote server in ubuntu

Your command is correct, but I expect you are trying to copy the files to the wrong location. Have you tried copying the files to your home directory?

rsync -v -e ssh /home/tanveer/myfilename username@server:~

You can also shorten your command by leaving out the -e ssh which is normally set by default. You might also want to preserve the copied files' properties -a, copy symlinks as symlinks -l and limit your copying to a single partition -x:

rsync -valx /home/tanveer/myfilename username@server:~

One thing to look out for when using rsync is the effect of adding a trailing / to a source directory. Without a trailing / the directory will be copied as a directory, with the trailing / only its contents will be copied.

rsync weird behaviour

Ok, I just figured it out.

Someone (because we work together as a team) had done a change on the "final folder" so that "apache" user's group can't execute (so can't traverse) the folder itself.

In that way, although it is possibile for "other group" to execute, the sum of permits that we receive (we were into "apache" group) isn't enough for "execute" the folder and retrive the file.

We just change that scenario and now it works properly!

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