Remove Occurrences of String in Text File

Remove occurrences of string in text file

sed -i -e 's/goodbye//g' filename

To delete multiple words:

sed -i -e 's/\(goodbye\|hello\|test\|download\)//g' filename

How to remove specific string occurences from file?

Try this:

sed -i -e 's| \* Running on http://0\.0\.0\.0:80/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)||' filename

And usually when you are toying with this, don't add -i yet, so just:

sed -e 's| \* Running on http://0\.0\.0\.0:80/ (Press CTRL+C to quit)||' filename

When it's working, then add the -i to change file(s) inplace.

The mechanism is substitute by regex.

And many characters have special meanings in regex so you have to escape it.

The character after s will act as the separator, s#From#to# like this.

And you might want to add g flag to replace multiple occurances. s$from$to$g or so.

And in your case there're many / so might as well change it to another, | in above examples.

How to remove a particular string in a text file using java?

First, you'll need to replace the line with the new string List item not an empty string. You can do that using line = line.replace(delete, "List item"); but since you want to replace end only when it is the only string on a line you'll have to use something like this:

line = line.replaceAll("^"+delete+"$", "List item");

Based on your edits it seems that you indeed what to replace the line that contains end with an empty string. You can do that using something like this:

line = line.replaceAll("^"+delete+"$", "");

Here, the first parameter of replaceAll is a regular expression, ^ means the start of the string and $ the end. This will replace end only if it is the only thing on that line.

You can also check if the current line is the line you want to delete and just write an empty line to the file.



And to do this process for multiple strings you can use something like this:

Set<String> toDelete = new HashSet<>();
toDelete.add("another thing");


Here I'm using a set of strings I want to delete and then check if the current line is one of those strings.

How to replace all instances of a string in text file with Python 3?

Try this:

# Make sure this is the valid path to your file
file = input("Enter a filename: ")
remove = input("Enter the string to be removed: ")

# Read in the file
with open(file, "r") as file:
filedata =

# Replace the target string
filedata = filedata.replace(remove, "")

# Write the file out again
with open(file, "w") as file:

Note: You might want to use with open syntax, the benefit is elaborated in this answer by Jason Sundram.

Remove all occurrences in a text file with batch script

:: establish a zero-byte output file
SET "newfile=u:\newfile.txt"
COPY /y nul "%newfile%" 2>NUL >nul
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (q33645665.txt) DO (
FINDSTR /x /i /l /c:"%%a" "%newfile%" >NUL
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 >>"%newfile%" ECHO %%a

TYPE "%newfile%"


I used a file named q33645665.txt containing your data for my testing.

Produces u:\newfile.txt

FINDSTR will set errorlevel to 0 if a string matching %%a is found in the new file. /xforces the match to be on the entire line, /i specifies that the match be case-insensitive. /l makes the match literal, not a regular expression and /c: preceding a string specifies that the string provided is one element, not a set of strings so that a string containing separators liek spaces can be matched.

Remove string from txt file

Read the text file get the content in a variable then use String.replace

For example

var stringContent="Here goes the content of the textFile after read"
var res=stringContent.replace('string3','');
//write back res to the file or do what ever

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