Raising Hard Limit on Rlimit_Nofile System-Wide on Linux

Raising hard limit on RLIMIT_NOFILE system-wide on Linux

You can set the limits in /etc/security/limits.conf with the syntax:

<domain> <type> <item> <value>

The <domain> can be a user (i.e. memcache) or a group.

How do I increase the open files limit for a non-root user?

The ulimit command by default changes the HARD limits, which you (a user) can lower, but cannot raise.

Use the -S option to change the SOFT limit, which can range from 0-{HARD}.

I have actually aliased ulimit to ulimit -S, so it defaults to the soft limits all the time.

alias ulimit='ulimit -S'

As for your issue, you're missing a column in your entries in /etc/security/limits.conf.

There should be FOUR columns, but the first is missing in your example.

* soft nofile 4096
* hard nofile 4096

The first column describes WHO the limit is to apply for. '*' is a wildcard, meaning all users. To raise the limits for root, you have to explicitly enter 'root' instead of '*'.

You also need to edit /etc/pam.d/common-session* and add the following line to the end:

session required pam_limits.so

Max open files for working process

As a system administrator: The /etc/security/limits.conf file controls this on most Linux installations; it allows you to set per-user limits. You'll want a line like myuser - nofile 1000.

Within a process: The getrlimit and setrlimit calls control most per-process resource allocation limits. RLIMIT_NOFILE controls the maximum number of file descriptors. You will need appropriate permissions to call it.

Socket accept - Too many open files

There are multiple places where Linux can have limits on the number of file descriptors you are allowed to open.

You can check the following:

cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max

That will give you the system wide limits of file descriptors.

On the shell level, this will tell you your personal limit:

ulimit -n

This can be changed in /etc/security/limits.conf - it's the nofile param.

However, if you're closing your sockets correctly, you shouldn't receive this unless you're opening a lot of simulataneous connections. It sounds like something is preventing your sockets from being closed appropriately. I would verify that they are being handled properly.

core file size limit has non-deterministic effects on processes

The implementation of core dumping can be found in fs/binfmt_elf.c. I'll follow the code in 3.12 and above (it changed with commit 9b56d5438) but the logic is very similar.

The code initially decides how much to dump of a VMA (virtual memory area) in vma_dump_size. For an anonymous VMA such as the brk heap, it returns the full size of the VMA. During this step, the core limit is not involved.

The first phase of writing the core dump then writes a PT_LOAD header for each VMA. This is basically a pointer that says where to find the data in the remainder of the ELF file. The actual data is written by a for loop, and is actually a second phase.

During the second phase, elf_core_dump repeatedly calls get_dump_page to get a struct page pointer for each page of the program address space that has to be dumped. get_dump_page is a common utility function found in mm/gup.c. The comment to get_dump_page is helpful:

 * Returns NULL on any kind of failure - a hole must then be inserted into
* the corefile, to preserve alignment with its headers; and also returns
* NULL wherever the ZERO_PAGE, or an anonymous pte_none, has been found -
* allowing a hole to be left in the corefile to save diskspace.

and in fact elf_core_dump calls a function in fs/coredump.c ( dump_seek in your kernel, dump_skip in 3.12+) if get_dump_page returns NULL. This function calls lseek to leave a hole in the dump (actually since this is the kernel it calls file->f_op->llseek directly on a struct file pointer). The main difference is that dump_seek was indeed not obeying the ulimit, while the newer dump_skip does.

As to why the second program has the weird behavior, it's probably because of ASLR (address space randomization). Which VMA is truncated depends on the relative order of the VMAs, which is random. You could try disabling it with

echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space

and see if your results are more homogeneous. To reenable ASLR, use

echo 2 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space

How to set ulimit -n from a golang program?

It works as expected.


The soft limit is the value that the kernel enforces for the
corresponding resource. The hard limit acts as a ceiling for the soft
limit: an unprivileged process may only set its soft limit to a value
in the range from 0 up to the hard limit, and (irreversibly) lower its
hard limit. A privileged process (under Linux: one with the
CAP_SYS_RESOURCE capability) may make arbitrary changes to either
limit value.


package main

import (

func main() {
var rLimit syscall.Rlimit
err := syscall.Getrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rLimit)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error Getting Rlimit ", err)
rLimit.Max = 999999
rLimit.Cur = 999999
err = syscall.Setrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rLimit)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error Setting Rlimit ", err)
err = syscall.Getrlimit(syscall.RLIMIT_NOFILE, &rLimit)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error Getting Rlimit ", err)
fmt.Println("Rlimit Final", rLimit)


$ uname -a
Linux peterSO 3.8.0-26-generic #38-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 17 21:43:33 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ go build rlimit.go
$ ./rlimit
{1024 4096}
Error Setting Rlimit operation not permitted
Rlimit Final {1024 4096}
$ sudo ./rlimit
[sudo] password for peterSO:
{1024 4096}
Rlimit Final {999999 999999}


I successfully ran rlimit.go for linux/amd64, you failed for linux/386. There were a Go bugs in Getrlimit and Setrlimit for Linux 32-bit distributions. These bugs have been fixed.

Using the Go default branch tip (to include the bug fixes), run the following, and update your question with the results.

$ uname -a
Linux peterSO 3.8.0-26-generic #38-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jun 17 21:46:08 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i686 GNU/Linux
$ go version
go version devel +ba52f6399462 Thu Jul 25 09:56:06 2013 -0400 linux/386
$ ulimit -Sn
$ ulimit -Hn
$ go build rlimit.go
$ ./rlimit
{1024 4096}
Error Setting Rlimit operation not permitted
Rlimit Final {1024 4096}
$ sudo ./rlimit
[sudo] password for peterSO:
{1024 4096}
Rlimit Final {999999 999999}

Check the open FD limit for a given process in Linux

Count the entries in /proc/<pid>/fd/. The hard and soft limits applying to the process can be found in /proc/<pid>/limits.

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