Moving Multiple Files Having Spaces in Name (Linux)

Moving multiple files having spaces in name (Linux)

No need to use a loop:

find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*$pattern*xlsx" -type f -exec mv {} $destination +

moving a file with spaces in name

Use escape characters for spaces. So change the variable fileName to "this\ is\ my\ file". This ensures that the shell will ignore the spaces and won't consider it as a delimiter.

How to move multiple files with whitespace on linux

There's probably 400 ways to do this.. using find is likely the more efficient way, but:

You can use a for loop:

for i in `ls`; do mv $i dir/newdir/; done

Or a while loop with the file you created in your step 1:

ls -la|grep -e "May"|awk "{print $9, $10}" > some.files; cat some.files | while read mFILE; do mv $mFILE dir/newdir; done

Or with find (where +30 is greater than X days):

find ./ -mtime +30 -exec mv dir/newdir {} \;

OR, if you want to use awk and xargs:

ls -la|grep -e "May"|awk "{print $9, $10}" | xargs mv dir/newdir/

How to handle spaces in MV command

So do not read lines using for. Read .

find /home/splunkLogs/Captin/PPM\ Images/PXT  -type f -name '*.jpg' |
while IFS= read -r file; do
mv -v "$file" "${file/-0.jpg/_Page_1.jpg}"

or better:

find /home/splunkLogs/Captin/PPM\ Images/PXT  -type f -name '*.jpg' -print0 |
while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
mv -v "$file" "${file/-0.jpg/_Page_1.jpg}"

Do not use backticks `. Using $(...) instead is greatly preferred.

Moving files containing spaces with mv command

There is no way to have a regular parameter expansion that undergoes pathname expansion, but not word-splitting, so your attempt to put the pattern in entity_path is going to fail. Either use the pattern directly,

mv -t "$path" "$entity_path"/*"$file_start"*"$file_end"*

or store the result of the pathname expansion in an array.

entities=( "$entity_path"/*"$file_start"*"$file_end"* )
mv -t "$path" "${entities[@]}"

How can I move multiple files to a directory while changing their names and extensions using bash?

No need for the loop, you can do this with just rename and mv:

rename -v 's/$/.pgp/' /opt/dir/ABC/allfile_123*
rename -v s/allfile_123/new_name/ /opt/dir/ABC/allfile_123*
mv /opt/dir/ABC/new_name* /usr/tst/output/

But I'm not sure the rename you are using is the same as mine.
since the replacement you want to perform is fairly simple,
it's easy to do in pure Bash:

for file in /opt/dir/ABC/allfile_123*; do
mv "$file" /usr/tst/output/"$newname"

If you want to write it on a single line:

for file in /opt/dir/ABC/allfile_123*; do newname=new_name${file##*allfile_123}.gpg; mv "$file" /usr/tst/output/"$newname"; done

Linux Bash: Move multiple different files into same directory

You can do

mv car.txt bicycle.txt vehicle/

(Note that the / above is unnecessary, I include it merely to ensure that vehicle is a directory.)

You can test this as follows:

cd               #Move to home directory
mkdir temp #Make a temporary directory
touch a b c d #Make test (empty) files ('touch' also updates the modification date of an existing file to the current time)
ls #Verify everything is there
mv a b c d temp/ #Move files into temp
ls #See? They are gone.
ls temp/ #Oh, there they are!
rm -rf temp/ #DESTROY (Be very, very careful with this command)

How can I copy a list of files with spaces in Linux terminal

There are several ways you can do that. You have to use double-quotes for expanding variables with spaces (backticks are used for executing inline).

The easiest is copying all the contents of ./iTunes/iTunes Music to /home/me/Music via cp:

cp -av "./iTunes/iTunes Music"/* /home/me/Music

If you want to build a list, manipulate it, and then copy only the contents of that list, then use while read, as you did, but enclose each result in quotes:

find . -type f -name *.mp3 > output.txt
cat output.txt | while read file; do
cp "$file" ~/Music/WindowsMP3s/

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