Merging Through Fuzzy Matching of Variables in R

Merging through fuzzy matching of variables in R

The agrep function (part of base R), which does approximate string matching using the Levenshtein edit distance is probably worth trying. Without knowing what your data looks like, I can't really suggest a working solution. But this is a suggestion... It records matches in a separate list (if there are multiple equally good matches, then these are recorded as well). Let's say that your data.frame is called df:

l <- vector('list',nrow(df))
matches <- list(mother = l,father = l)
for(i in 1:nrow(df)){
father_id <- with(df,which(student_name[i] == father_name))
if(length(father_id) == 1){
matches[['father']][[i]] <- father_id
} else {
old_father_id <- NULL
## try to find the total
for(m in 10:1){ ## m is the maximum distance
father_id <- with(df,agrep(student_name[i],father_name,max.dist = m))
if(length(father_id) == 1 || m == 1){
## if we find a unique match or if we are in our last round, then stop
matches[['father']][[i]] <- father_id
} else if(length(father_id) == 0 && length(old_father_id) > 0) {
## if we can't do better than multiple matches, then record them anyway
matches[['father']][[i]] <- old_father_id
} else if(length(father_id) == 0 && length(old_father_id) == 0) {
## if the nearest match is more than 10 different from the current pattern, then stop

The code for the mother_name would be basically the same. You could even put them together in a loop, but this example is just for the purpose of illustration.

Fuzzy merge on multiple variables (all but one with no mispellings)

stringdist_join is a wrapper around fuzzy_join, and fuzzy_join has a match_fun argument that can either be a unique function or a list of functions as long as your by argument, so we can use fuzzy_full_join (which is just fuzzy_join with mode= "full"):

res <- fuzzy_full_join(dataset_1, dataset_2,
list(`==`, `==`, function(x,y) stringdist::stringdist(x,y, "soundex") <= 2))
# var_1.x var_2.x var_3.x var_1.y var_2.y var_3.y var_4
# 1 1995 AA AAAA 1995 AA AAAA A
# 2 1996 AA AAAA 1996 AA AAAA B
# 3 1995 BB BBBB 1995 BB BBBB C
# 4 1996 BB BBBB 1996 BB BBBC D

Because of the nature of fuzzy matching, values are not generally the same on the lhs and rhs, so we end up with two sets of by columns, if you want to preserve only the lhs we can do :

res %>%
select(-ends_with(".y")) %>%

# var_1 var_2 var_3 var_4
# 1 1995 AA AAAA A
# 2 1996 AA AAAA B
# 3 1995 BB BBBB C
# 4 1996 BB BBBB D

How to fuzzy join 2 dataframes on 2 variables with differing fuzzy logic ?

You can create a cartesian product of two dataframes using merge and then subset the rows which follow our required conditions.

subset(merge(a, b, by = NULL), abs(KW.x - KW.y) <= 1 & 
abs(price.x - price.y) <= 0.02)

# name.x KW.x price.x KW.y price.y name.y
#1 A 201902 1.99 201903 1.98 a
#5 B 201904 3.02 201904 3.00 b
#9 C 201905 5.00 201904 5.00 c

R: Fuzzy merge using agrep and data.table

A possible solution using 'fuzzyjoin':

f <- Vectorize(function(x,y) agrepl(x, y,,
max.distance = 0.05, useBytes = TRUE))

dt1 %>% fuzzy_inner_join(dt2, by="Name", match_fun=f)
# Name.x A Name.y B

NOTE : The main problem, that you encountered too, was that agrep and agrepl don't seem to expect the first argument to be a vector. That's the reason why I wrapped the call with Vectorize.

This method can be used together with an equi-join (mind the order of columns in the by!):

dt1 = data.frame(Name = c("ASML HOLDING","ABN AMRO GROUP"), A = c(1,2),Date=c(1,2))
dt2 = data.frame(Name = c("ASML HOLDING NV", "ABN AMRO GROUP", "ABN AMRO GROUP"), B = c("p", "q","r"),Date=c(1,2,3))

dt1 %>% fuzzy_inner_join(dt2, by=c("Date","Name"), match_fun=f) %>% filter(Date.x==Date.y)

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