Matlab Script Editing

matlab script editing

You should be aware that starting with version R2009a EmacsLink has been removed from Matlab, so I would say that at this point Matlab-Emacs is a better alternative. The main strength of EmacsLink was tighter and integration with Matlab, especially when using the debugger, but current version of Matlab-Emacs is quite capable and will probably satisfy most people's needs just as well as EmacsLink.

In order to invoke Emacs from Matlab, the cleanest solution is to run the Emacs server (M-x server-start). The edit() command can then be set up to open the script in Emacs. The detailed instructions on how to do this, as well as on running matlab-shell as inferior process are provided here:

Regarding CVS checkout: modulename is "matlab-emacs". You used to be able to download an archive and simply unpack into your elisp directory.

EDIT: I decided to reinstall matlab-emacs; here is a step-by-step of what I did. (The steps are pretty obvious, but this might still be useful seeing how it's easy to run into a compilation error or to misinterpret some instructions). Note that matlab-emacs didn't compile until I reinstalled CEDET.

Download CEDET from (1.0pre7 in my case)
Uncompress the archive into ~/.emacs.d/elisp/ (now have ~/.emacs.d/elisp/cedet-1.0pre7/ directory)
Compile CEDET via make EMACS=/usr/bin/emacs
While in ~/.emacs.d/elisp, do the cvs checkout:

cvs -z3 co -P matlab-emacs

Compile matlab-emacs via

make "LOADPATH=../cedet-1.0pre7/common ../cedet-1.0pre7/eieio ../cedet-1.0pre7/semantic/bovine/ ../cedet-1.0pre7/semantic/"

Ideally, everything should compile; now it's time to edit startup files: in the .emacs add

(setq load-path (cons "~/.emacs.d/elisp/matlab-emacs/" load-path))
(load-library "matlab-load")

and in matlab's startup.m add


That should do it! Launch emacs, and do M-x matlab-shell. If edit foo.m doesn't open foo.m in emacs, make sure that the server has been launched (M-x server-start).

To be most productive, you might wish to figure out what works for you in terms of sending commands from the edit buffer to matlab process (experiment with the shortcuts in the mode help). Finally, if you need to debug stuff, do dbstop in foo, and when you run foo you can either use use dbstop family commands (look them up) or turn on toolbar (M-x tool-bar-mode) and use the buttons there to control breakpoints, stepping, continuing, etc. When finished, type dbquit.

Unfortunately, if you are on Windows, matlab-shell is not an option (which is a little surprising, seeing how I can run pretty much everything else under the sun from the command line -- Mathematica, R, numpy...) -- so your options for tight emacs/matlab integration are somewhat limited (unless you don't mind running an old matlab version that supports emacslink).

Matlab script edit - model recognition

The correct command is "slroot"

How to edit a text file using MATLAB?

As the comment above suggested there isn't such a function built into MATLAB. Writing your own function/script is the best option. Below is a script that reads the second column of the text file and creates the first column of the text file named Column_1. The Data is then written written to a text file using the fprintf() function.

File_Name = "Text.txt";

%Function definition%
function [] = Format_File(File_Name)

T = readtable(File_Name);

Column_1 = 1:height(T);
Column_2 = ((T{:,2}));

Data(1,:) = Column_1;
Data(2,:) = Column_2;

fileID = fopen('Text.txt','w');
fprintf(fileID,'%d %.1f\n',Data);


Input: Text.txt


Output: Text.txt

1   15.3
2 18.8
3 21.9
4 19.9

Ran using MATLAB R2019b

How to run MATLAB script from Atom editor

It turns out that all I had to do what to simply add MATLAB to the PATH variable.

I ran the following command:

export PATH="$PATH":/usr/local/MATLAB/R2019a/bin

and restarted Atom. Now it is able to run MATLAB with script using the shortcut key ctrl+shift+b.

File name on matlab script editor window title in detached mode

The top bar displays the complete path which is actually a useful feature in my opinion. You cannot have only the filename in the detached editor unless by modifying the underlying Java (which will very likely breach MathWorks Software License Agreement).

Only tabs show just the filename in the main editor (not detached editor). If your tabs are hidden in the main editor, you can fix that by:

View → Tab Position → Top (or any other position as per your choice)

When a file is being edited (and not saved yet), an asterisk (*) appears next to it on both its tab and the top bar.

Editing the Code of a MATLAB Function Block in Simulink Programmatically

(As requested by @Ander Biguri, I've moved a solution that worked for me to a separete answer post. If anyone has an alternative/better approach, please feel free to post it as well)

Well, it seems that this question was asked here before. (perhaps formulated differently though?) I've managed to solve my issue using the following code:

sf = sfroot()
block = sf.find('Path','my_system/my_func','-isa','Stateflow.EMChart');
block.Script = sprintf('function y = fcn(u)\n%%#codegen\n\ny = 2 * u;')

How to make Matlab editor open a new script as a tab by default, instead of a new window?

Open 2 scripts or more. On one of the editor windows press the circled triangle (I am sure it has a proper name):
Sample Image

Select Dock All in Editor.

The files should appear as tabs docked to the matlab desktop.

You can now undock the editor using the same button (you should undock the editor, not a specific file)

Any file you open now should be in a new tab.

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