Logrotate to Clean Up Date Stamped Files

logrotate: delete tomcat/jboss logs older than n days

If you don't want to use find inside postrotate, no, you can't.

logrotate treats every instance of server.log rotated by Tomcat/JBoss as a different file, and since they are unique, logrotate will rotate them only once. maxage - the directive that removes rotated logs older than n days - is only checked if the logfile is to be rotated, so that maxage is only executed once and can't keep track of the file's age.

However, if you change your mind about using find, logrotate can help you simplify the management of log files created by Tomcat and JBoss. I use it to compress and remove old files with a configuration file like this:

/path/to/logs/server.log.????-??-?? {
compresscmd /usr/bin/bzip2
rotate 1
size 0
start 0
# Remove rotated files older than 180 days
find /path/to/logs -name 'server.log.????-??-??.0.bz2' -mtime +180 -exec rm {} \;


  • rotate 1 and compress rename and compress, say, server.log.20131201 to server.log.20131201.0.bz2. The 0 between the timestamp and the .bz2 extension comes from start 0.
  • size 0 makes sure that files are always renamed and compressed.
  • The lastaction block removes rotated files older than 180 days.

Wipe clean logfile on daily basis with logrotate

rotate 0 is redundant here, 0 is the default for rotation, which means, no rotation and old ones are removed.

You can test it using,

$ logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/docker

It might be better to test it by putting rotate 1 and then with rotate 0 to check if logrotate is functioning correctly.

If logrotate is installed correctly, then one would have a crontab entry in /etc/cron.daily/logrotate. This file reads the configuration file /etc/logrotate.conf which includes anything under /etc/logrotate.d


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