Incorrect Rendering in Anaconda + Spyder (Wrong Colours in Text)

Spyder outline view of Python code: Save as text?

(Spyder maintainer here) Unfortunately, it is not possible to save our Outline tree view as text, sorry.

Shape error when trying to color a cell of dataframe and then dump it as html and trying to retain style for cell

You can create DataFrame of styles by custom function with compare columns with set them in numpy.where first and pass to Styler.apply, last for write to file use file.write function:

def fnToColorRed(x):
c1 = 'color: red'
c2 = 'color: black'

# condition
m = x[['C3','C4']].to_numpy() != x[['C5','C6']].to_numpy()
#print (m)
#empty DataFrame of styles
df1 = pd.DataFrame('', index=x.index, columns=x.columns)
#set new columns by condition
df1[['C3','C4']] = np.where(m, c1, c2)
df1[['C5','C6']] = np.where(m, c1, c2)
return df1

Then is possible specify some css:

css = [
'props': [
('border-collapse', 'collapse')]
'selector': 'th',
'props': [
('border-color', 'black'),
('border-style ', 'solid'),
'selector': 'td',
'props': [
('border-color', 'black'),
('border-style ', 'solid'),
}], axis=None).set_table_styles(css)

with open("my.html", "w") as file:

Matplotlib 2 inconsistent font

While trying to find a solution to my question, I tried comparing the dictionaries of the old and new rcParams and setting the elements which were different and related to mathtext font: the result is quite good.

The code is:

#%matplotlib inline
#%matplotlib notebook
#%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'svg'
import scipy as sc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib

params = {'legend.fontsize': 18,
'axes.labelsize': 18,
'axes.titlesize': 18,
'xtick.labelsize' :12,
'ytick.labelsize': 12,
'mathtext.fontset': 'cm',
'mathtext.rm': 'serif',
'': 'serif:bold',
'': 'serif:italic',
'mathtext.sf': 'sans\\-serif',
'grid.color': 'k',
'grid.linestyle': ':',
'grid.linewidth': 0.5,
#matplotlib.rcParams.update({'text.usetex':True, 'text.latex.preamble':[r'\usepackage{amsmath, newtxmath}']})
#matplotlib.rcParams.update({'text.usetex':True, 'text.latex.preamble':[r'\usepackage{amsmath, mathptmx}']})
#matplotlib.rcParams.update({'text.usetex':True, 'text.latex.preamble':[r'\usepackage{amsmath}']})

x = sc.linspace(0,100)
y = x**2
fig = plt.figure('Fig')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
lines = ax.semilogy(x, y)
ax.set_yticks([300], minor=True)
ax.yaxis.grid(True, which='minor')
ax.tick_params(axis='y', pad=10)
ax.set_ylabel(r'$\sigma \int_l \; dx$')
fig.savefig('./PNG/test.png', dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight')

hence adding also:

          'mathtext.rm': 'serif',
'': 'serif:bold',
'': 'serif:italic',
'mathtext.sf': 'sans\\-serif',

which results in:

Sample Image

that I consider quite good and consistent in a Latex document.

The other answer in this thread from @ImportanceOfBeingErnest is also neat and nice.

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