How to Use "Xargs" Properly When Argument List Is Too Long

How to use xargs properly when argument list is too long

Expanding on CristopheDs answer and assuming you're using bash:

tar c --files-from <(find $dir/temp -maxdepth 1 -name "*.parse") | lzma -9 > $dir/backup/$(date '+%Y-%m-%d')-archive.tar.lzma

The reason xargs doesn't help you here is that it will do multiple invocations until all arguments have been used. This won't help you here since that will create several tar archives, which you don't want.

I'm using xargs, but the argument list is too long

You don't need xargs here, you can do

find . -type f -exec dos2unix '{}' +

Argument list too long error for rm, cp, mv commands

The reason this occurs is because bash actually expands the asterisk to every matching file, producing a very long command line.

Try this:

find . -name "*.pdf" -print0 | xargs -0 rm

Warning: this is a recursive search and will find (and delete) files in subdirectories as well. Tack on -f to the rm command only if you are sure you don't want confirmation.

You can do the following to make the command non-recursive:

find . -maxdepth 1 -name "*.pdf" -print0 | xargs -0 rm

Another option is to use find's -delete flag:

find . -name "*.pdf" -delete

Error when transferring huge files: Argument list too long

Your command is not correct try with below. It will work for you:-

find ./ -name  "sm20180416*" | xargs -I {} mv -f {} /ora_arch/ssmfep_backup/

Getting argument list too long error

Try this

$ find /file/collection/*/logs/ -name "*.log" -type f -maxdepth 1 | xargs grep hello

How can I move many files without having Argument list too long?

If you use find I would recommend you to use the -exec attribute. So your result should be find . -name "*.jpg" -exec mv {} /home/new/location \;.

However I would recommend to check what the find command returns you, replacing the exec part with: -exec ls -lrt {} \;

(Argument list too long) While opening a large list of files using *cat*

The Argument list too long error is documented in errno(3) (as E2BIG) and related to some execve(2) system call done by your GNU bash shell. Use sysconf(3) with ARG_MAX to query that limit.

You have several approaches:

  • recompile your Linux kernel to raise that limit.
  • write some small C program using appropriate syscalls(2) more appropriately, or write some Python script, or some GNU guile script, ... doing the same
  • increase some limits, but using setrlimit(2) appropriately (perhaps using the shell ulimit builtin).

See also the documentation and the source code of GNU bash

Does argument list too long restriction apply to shell builtins?

In bash, the OS-enforced limitation on command-line length which causes the error argument list too long is not applied to shell builtins.

This error is triggered when the execve() syscall returns the error code E2BIG. There is no execve() call involved when invoking a builtin, so the error cannot take place.

Thus, both of your proposed operations are safe: cmd <<< "$string" writes $string to a temporary file, which does not require that it be passed as an argv element (or an environment variable, which is stored in the same pool of reserved space); and printf '%s\n' "$cmd" takes place internal to the shell unless the shell's configuration has been modified, as with enable -n printf, to use an external printf implementation.

Argument list too long when concatenating lots of files in a folder

Your full code is:

rm -f /tmp/temp.files
ls -1 /var/log/processing/*.log | xargs -n1 basename > /tmp/temp.files
cat /tmp/temp.files | sed -r "s~(.*)-[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{2})+\.log~cat /var/log/processing/\1* >> /var/log/processing/\1$(date +"-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M").log~" | uniq | sh
cd /var/log/processing
xargs rm -rf < /tmp/temp.files
rm -f /tmp/temp.files

But the problem lies on the ls -1 /var/log/processing/*.log part, so I am skipping the rest.

The expansion done by /var/log/processing/*.log gives so many results that ls itself cannot handle all of them and hence prints the "Argument list too long" message.

You can use a find statement like this:

find /var/log/processing -name "*.log" -exec basename {} \; > /tmp/temp.files

See I am not using ls parsing (read interesting Why you shouldn't parse the output of ls).

Help Editing Code to Fix Argument list too long Error

The code below reads the content of a file whos name is given as the first parameter on the command-line and places it in a str::buffer. Then, instead of calling the function UnicodeString with argv[1], use that buffer instead.


using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
std::string buffer;

if(argc > 1) {
std::ifstream t;[1]);
std::string line;
std::getline(t, line);
buffer += line + '\n';
cout << buffer;
return 0;


Input to UnicodeString should be char*. The function GetFileIntoCharPointer does that.
Note that only the most rudimentary error checking is implemented below!


using namespace std;

char * GetFileIntoCharPointer(char *pFile, long &lRet)
FILE * fp = fopen(pFile,"rb");
if (fp == NULL) return 0;

fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
long size = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);

char *pData = new char[size + 1];
lRet = fread(pData, sizeof(char), size, fp);


return pData;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
long Len;
char * Data = GetFileIntoCharPointer(argv[1], Len);
std::cout << Data << std::endl;

if (Data != NULL)
delete [] Data;

return 0;

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