How to Prevent an X Window from Receiving User Input

Stop NSWindow from receiving input events temporarily

You can achieve this by overriding sendEvent(_ event: NSEvent) in your NSWindow subclass. Use a flag to let the window know that it should not handle events temporarily:

override func sendEvent(_ event: NSEvent) {
guard shouldSendEvents else { return }

Do not disturb user input while displaying messages to stdout

As far as I can tell, you have a few options here. Normally just calling getch you're running the terminal in what's called "cooked" mode. This means that the terminal just displays characters in the order they arrive, nothing too special. However you run in to race conditions as you've discovered.

Option 1: you read things in one character at a time, buffering the entire line. When a new line arrives and you want to print it out, you'd have to (a) grab hold of some kind of print mutex (internal to the program), (b) clear out the current line (print '\r[space][space][space]...\r'), (c) print the incoming line + '\n', and (d) restore the previous buffer to the screen (via print) and unlock the mutex.

This gets ugly. Fast. As you discovered, there's no line editing support or anything fancy. The only good thing about this approach is that it'll probably work in about 99% of terminals.

Option 2: you put the terminal in to raw mode. In this mode, you have complete control over the terminal, but you lose very basic functionality (e.g. typing a key won't display it unless you manually output it). You would still have to manually implement things like navigation, but at least it would work. This method is probably the most flexible and give you the most control, however it's very difficult to work like this, which is why they invented...

Option 3: you use ncurses (or a similar terminal library). The concepts are a little difficult, but FAR easier to learn than doing things in pure raw mode. Editing and windowing (or as you put it, reserving a line) are built-in. The interface can be much prettier than you'd get from cooked mode.

EDIT I'm talking a lot about *nix terminals here, most of which doesn't apply for Windows.

Block keyboard for embedded xterm, in PyQt4

The way to approach this would be to construct a transparent (actually "uncolored") window which overlays the embedded xterm window.

There is an example described in Basic X Window keyboard and mouse input blocking which is essentially a screensaver written in Python. For lower-level (X documentation) on window properties, the links in How to prevent an X Window from receiving user input? may be useful to you.

The main problems to solve would be (in your program) how to ensure that the overlaid window comes on top, and of course how to keep it transparent (since that diverges from the example). The latter is more complicated:

  • Transparent window in Xwindow parent
  • Empty or transparent window with Xlib showing border lines only

Linux/X11 input library without creating a window

OK, if you're under X11 and you want to get the kbd, you need to do a grab.
If you're not, my only good answer is ncurses from a terminal.

Here's how you grab everything from the keyboard and release again:

/* Demo code, needs more error checking, compile
* with "gcc nameofthisfile.c -lX11".

/* weird formatting for markdown follows. argh! */

#include <X11/Xlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
Display *dpy;
XEvent ev;
char *s;
unsigned int kc;
int quit = 0;

if (NULL==(dpy=XOpenDisplay(NULL))) {

* You might want to warp the pointer to somewhere that you know
* is not associated with anything that will drain events.
* (void)XWarpPointer(dpy, None, DefaultRootWindow(dpy), 0, 0, 0, 0, x, y);

XGrabKeyboard(dpy, DefaultRootWindow(dpy),
True, GrabModeAsync, GrabModeAsync, CurrentTime);

printf("KEYBOARD GRABBED! Hit 'q' to quit!\n"
"If this job is killed or you get stuck, use Ctrl-Alt-F1\n"
"to switch to a console (if possible) and run something that\n"
"ungrabs the keyboard.\n");

/* A very simple event loop: start at "man XEvent" for more info. */
/* Also see "apropos XGrab" for various ways to lock down access to
* certain types of info. coming out of or going into the server */
for (;!quit;) {
XNextEvent(dpy, &ev);
switch (ev.type) {
case KeyPress:
kc = ((XKeyPressedEvent*)&ev)->keycode;
s = XKeysymToString(XKeycodeToKeysym(dpy, kc, 0));
/* s is NULL or a static no-touchy return string. */
if (s) printf("KEY:%s\n", s);
if (!strcmp(s, "q")) quit=~0;
case Expose:
/* Often, it's a good idea to drain residual exposes to
* avoid visiting Blinky's Fun Club. */
while (XCheckTypedEvent(dpy, Expose, &ev)) /* empty body */ ;
case ButtonPress:
case ButtonRelease:
case KeyRelease:
case MotionNotify:
case ConfigureNotify:

XUngrabKeyboard(dpy, CurrentTime);

if (XCloseDisplay(dpy)) {

return 0;

Run this from a terminal and all kbd events should hit it. I'm testing it under Xorg
but it uses venerable, stable Xlib mechanisms.

Hope this helps.

BE CAREFUL with grabs under X. When you're new to them, sometimes it's a good
idea to start a time delay process that will ungrab the server when you're
testing code and let it sit and run and ungrab every couple of minutes.
It saves having to kill or switch away from the server to externally reset state.

From here, I'll leave it to you to decide how to multiplex renderes. Read
the XGrabKeyboard docs and XEvent docs to get started.
If you have small windows exposed at the screen corners, you could jam
the pointer into one corner to select a controller. XWarpPointer can
shove the pointer to one of them as well from code.

One more point: you can grab the pointer as well, and other resources. If you had one controller running on the box in front of which you sit, you could use keyboard and mouse input to switch it between open sockets with different renderers. You shouldn't need to resize the output window to less than full screen anymore with this approach, ever. With more work, you could actually drop alpha-blended overlays on top using the SHAPE and COMPOSITE extensions to get a nice overlay feature in response to user input (which might count as gilding the lily).

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