How to Give a Linux User Sudo Access

How to give a Linux user sudo access?

You need run visudo and in the editor that it opens write:

igor    ALL=(ALL) ALL

That line grants all permissions to user igor.

If you want permit to run only some commands, you need to list them in the line:

igor    ALL=(ALL) /bin/kill, /bin/ps

How to give Users SUDO Permission from Bash Script

The following extends the original code as follows:

  • It specifies a(n additional) group to add users to.

  • That group:

    • can be an existing group that is assumed to already be sudo-enabled, such as the sudo group on Ubuntu.
    • If it doesn't exist, it is created, and sudo-enabled via a dedicated file in directory /etc/sudoers.d/ named for the group - see the code and man sudoers for details.
  • In the user-creation loop, each newly created user is added to that group with usermod:

    sudo usermod <user> -G <group>

    • Note: You should also be able to do this as part of the useradd call.

This should sudo-enable all newly created users.


  • Providing passwords via plain-text files is a security risk.
  • For an explanation of the techniques used in the user-creation (while) loop, see this answer.
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# The sudo-enabled user group to add users to.
# Either choose a preexisting one, such as 'sudo' on Ubuntu, or
# specify a new group to create and sudo-enable on demand (see below).

# Test if the group exists.
[[ -z $(awk -F: -v g=$sudoEnabledGroup '$1==g' /etc/group) ]] && groupExists=0 || groupExists=1

# If the group doesn't exist yet, create it on demand and sudo-enable it.
# Note: Deactive this `if` statement, if the group must already exist.
if (( ! groupExists )); then
printf "Creating group: %s...\n" $sudoEnabledGroup
# Create the group.
sudo groupadd $sudoEnabledGroup || exit
# Sudo-enable it, via a dedicated file in directory /etc/sudoers.d/, named for the group.
# CAUTION: The following enables the MOST PRIVILEGES POSSIBLE for the given
# group. See `man sudoers`, section "SUDOERS FILE FORMAT" for details.
printf "... and sudo-enabling it via file $customSudoerFile.\n" $sudoEnabledGroup
sudo sh -c "echo '%$sudoEnabledGroup ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL' >$customSudoerFile"

# Loop over the user names and passwords from the input files.
# CAVEAT: Providing passwords via plain-text file is a SECURITY RISK.

printf "Creating users from files '%s' and '%s' and assigning them to group '%s'...\n" "$usersFile" "$passwdFile" $sudoEnabledGroup

while read user passwd; do

printf " Creating user: %s...\n" $user

# Create the user.
sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash $user || exit

# Add it to the the sudo-enabled group designated above.
sudo usermod $user -G $sudoEnabledGroup || exit

# Assign the password to the user.
# Password is passed via stdin, *twice* (for confirmation).
# This will print something like the following:
# "Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully"
# You can suppress with 2>/dev/null, but that would also mask true errors.
sudo passwd $user <<< "$passwd"$'\n'"$passwd" || exit

done < <(paste "$usersFile" "$passwdFile")

printf 'Done.\n'

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