How to Get the Percentage of Memory Free with a Linux Command

How to get the percentage of memory free with a Linux command?

Using the free command:

% free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 2061712 490924 1570788 0 60984 220236
-/+ buffers/cache: 209704 1852008
Swap: 587768 0 587768

Based on this output we grab the line with Mem and using awk pick specific fields for our computations.

This will report the percentage of memory in use

% free | grep Mem | awk '{print $3/$2 * 100.0}'

This will report the percentage of memory that's free

% free | grep Mem | awk '{print $4/$2 * 100.0}'

You could create an alias for this command or put this into a tiny shell script. The specific output could be tailored to your needs using formatting commands for the print statement along these lines:

free | grep Mem | awk '{ printf("free: %.4f %\n", $4/$2 * 100.0) }'

overall CPU usage and Memory(RAM) usage in percentage in linux/ubuntu

You can use top and/or vmstat from the procps package.
Use vmstat -s to get the amount of RAM on your machine (optional), and
then use the output of top to calculate the memory usage percentages.

%Cpu(s):  3.8 us,  2.8 sy,  0.4 ni, 92.0 id,  1.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem : 24679620 total, 1705524 free, 7735748 used, 15238348 buff/cache
KiB Swap: 0 total, 0 free, 0 used. 16161296 avail Mem

You can also do this for relatively short output:

watch '/usr/bin/top -b | head -4 | tail -2'

A shell pipe that calculates the current RAM usage periodically is

watch -n 5 "/usr/bin/top -b | head -4 | tail -2 | perl -anlE 'say sprintf(\"used: %s   total: %s  => RAM Usage: %.1f%%\", \$F[7], \$F[3], 100*\$F[7]/\$F[3]) if /KiB Mem/'"

(CPU + Swap usages were filtered out here.)

This command prints every 5 seconds:

Every 5.0s: /usr/bin/top -b | head -4 | tail -2 | perl -anlE 'say sprintf("u...  wb3: Wed Nov 21 13:51:49 2018

used: 8349560 total: 24667856 => RAM Usage: 33.8%

How to get overall RAM usage (e.g. 57%) on Linux

If you are looking for a bash script, I just came up with this.

There may be more efficient ways of doing it but I believe this is what you are looking for:


# grab the second line of the ouput produced by the command: free -g (displays output in Gb)
secondLine=$(free -g | sed -n '2p')

#split the string in secondLine into an array
read -ra ADDR <<< "$secondLine"

#get the total RAM from array

#get the used RAM from array

# calculate and display the percentage
echo "$pct%"

if you save this into a file (call it, then you can run it by


bash does not support floats, only integers (IIRC) so the precision of the calculation is rounded.

If you need more precision, you might need to use a different shell that supports floats, like zsh

Credit where credit is due: created with help from:

Determine 'Free' Memory in Linux

You can use AWK to parse the output of the free command, and get a percentage.

free | grep Mem | awk '{print $4/$2 * 100}'

Linux command for percentage of memory that is free

Using LINUX top command to compute used memory percentage

You have a few problems here.

First, this doesn't do what you want it to do.

USEDMEM=/home/modadm/top-output.txt | grep "Mem" | cut -c 25-31

You can't pipe a filename into a command. You actually want to pipe the contents of the file into the command. You can do that with 'cat'. However, grep is actually designed to search within a file so you can do

USEDMEM=$(grep "Mem" /home/modadm/top-output.txt | cut -c 25-31)

Note that $(cmd) is how you execute a command in a subshell. i.e., you can run some commands to compute the value of a variable in your script. You can also use `cmd` (backticks; usually on the tilde key) but that syntax is less clear.

Again, you probably want to calculate this result in a subshell. Also, don't use $ when assigning to variables.

$USEDPCT='echo $USEDMEM / $MAXMEM * 100 | bc'

This can be rewritten as

USEDPCT=$(echo "scale=3; $USEDMEM / $MAXMEM * 100" | bc)

Finally, you want to pipe the contents of the variable into the mail program. The pipe is expecting a program to be on the left hand side. You do this by echo'ing the value of the variable into the pipe.

echo "$USEDPCT" | mail -s "Test Email from MOD Server"

To put everything back together:

top -n 1 -b | grep "Mem" > /home/modadm/top-output.txt
MAXMEM=$(grep "Mem" /home/modadm/top-output.txt | cut -c 7-14)
USEDMEM=$(grep "Mem" /home/modadm/top-output.txt | cut -c 25-31)
USEDPCT=$(echo "$USEDMEM / $MAXMEM * 100" | bc -l)
echo "$USEDPCT" | mail -s "Test Email from MOD Server"

How to calculate system memory usage from /proc/meminfo (like htop)

htop author here. These are the calculations I make to get the numbers for the green, blue and yellow bars in the memory meter:

  • Total used memory = MemTotal - MemFree
  • Non cache/buffer memory (green) = Total used memory - (Buffers + Cached memory)
  • Buffers (blue) = Buffers
  • Cached memory (yellow) = Cached + SReclaimable - Shmem
  • Swap = SwapTotal - SwapFree

In the htop source code: linux/LinuxProcessList.c and linux/Platform.c.

htop screenshot

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