How to Exit The Wh Mode in Gdb

how to exit the wh mode in gdb

C-x C-a

C-x a

C-x A

 Enter or leave the TUI mode.

Documentation here.

how to exit the wh mode in gdb

C-x C-a

C-x a

C-x A

 Enter or leave the TUI mode.

Documentation here.

gdb split view with code

It's called the TUI (no kidding). Start for example with gdbtui or gdb -tui ...

Please also see this answer by Ciro Santilli. It wasn't available in 2012 to the best of my knowledge, but definitely worth a look.

GDB - how to find out from where program exited

Usually with the command below when the application has finished executing:

(gdb) thread apply all bt

Of course, if you want to know the exact line you must compile your application with debugging symbols, i.e. -g

How to exit a running computation in the Ghci debugger?


To find this command in ghci documentation:

From within ghci, run :? to bring up ghci's Commands available from the prompt help doc, where :abandon can be found within the Commands for debugging section.

 -- Commands for debugging:

:abandon at a breakpoint, abandon current computation

How do you start running the program over again in gdb with 'target remote'?

You are looking for Multi-Process Mode for gdbserver and set remote exec-file filename

Most tricky/useful commands for gdb debugger

  1. backtrace full: Complete backtrace with local variables
  2. up, down, frame: Move through frames
  3. watch: Suspend the process when a certain condition is met
  4. set print pretty on: Prints out prettily formatted C source code
  5. set logging on: Log debugging session to show to others for support
  6. set print array on: Pretty array printing
  7. finish: Continue till end of function
  8. enable and disable: Enable/disable breakpoints
  9. tbreak: Break once, and then remove the breakpoint
  10. where: Line number currently being executed
  11. info locals: View all local variables
  12. info args: View all function arguments
  13. list: view source
  14. rbreak: break on function matching regular expression

GDB Switch Between Debugging and Program Input

When I reach the point where the program is waiting for user input it no longer allows me to control gdb and instead forces me to give input to the program.

If you hit Control-C at that point, the inferior (being debugged) program should get interrupted, you should get a (gdb) prompt, and you should be able to control GDB all you want.

Once you are done, use continue GDB command to go back and resume the inferior reading its input.

Qt - Unexpected GDB Exit

Exit code 0xc0000138 is STATUS_ORDINAL_NOT_FOUND (I checked it by perl -MWin32::Status -E 'say $Win32::Status::INTEGER_TO_SYMBOL{ 0xc0000138 }', it can also be found in the ntstatus.h header, e.g.

An "ordinal not found" error means that some function provided by a DLL couldn't be found; possibly the wrong version of the DLL was loaded. I'm not sure if the same error can be produced when a DLL is entirely missing.

Can you verify the following?

  • OpenCV DLL(s) exist
  • OpenCV DLL(s) are in PATH
  • OpenCV DLL(s) match the version of your <opencv/*> headers
  • OpenCV libs are listed in your .pro file; there should be some LIBS+=... statements relating to OpenCV. There's an example of what it might look like here -

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