How to Escape Unusual/Uniq Characters from Expect Scripts

how to escape unusual/uniq characters from expect scripts?

Using different Tcl quotes will work

expect #  {
# send text verbatim here
send {perl -i -pe 's/\Q10.10.10.10\E/' /etc/hosts}
# interpret backslash sequence as carriage return here
send "\r"

expect + how to identify if expect break because time out?

To do sensible things on timeout, you need to tell expect what should happen:

set timeout 10
expect {
")?" { send "yes\r" ; exp_continue }
"word:" { send "$PASS\r" }
timeout { puts "timed out during login"; exit 1 }
set timeout -1 ; # Infinite...
expect ">" { send "hostname\r" }
expect ">" { send "exit\r" }
expect eof

Notice above how I use exit 1 when I hit an error. Your shell will be able to pick that up through $?, etc. (Without the 1 argument, the exit command will cause the script to terminate “successfully”; the same happens if you drop off the bottom of the script.)

expect + how to identify if expect break because time out?

To do sensible things on timeout, you need to tell expect what should happen:

set timeout 10
expect {
")?" { send "yes\r" ; exp_continue }
"word:" { send "$PASS\r" }
timeout { puts "timed out during login"; exit 1 }
set timeout -1 ; # Infinite...
expect ">" { send "hostname\r" }
expect ">" { send "exit\r" }
expect eof

Notice above how I use exit 1 when I hit an error. Your shell will be able to pick that up through $?, etc. (Without the 1 argument, the exit command will cause the script to terminate “successfully”; the same happens if you drop off the bottom of the script.)

reading a variable from the user in an expect script

The "expect" way to do that is:

send_user "enter unique id: "
expect_user -re "(.*)\n"
set test $expect_out(1,string)
send_user "you said $test\n"

Since expect extends tcl, you could use:

puts -nonewline "enter unique id: "
flush stdout
gets stdin test
puts "you said $test"

Additionally, you'll get an error for mkdir -- that's an external command. You can do one of:

exec mkdir -p /evoting_test/$test   # invoke the external command
file mkdir /evoting_test/$test # use the builtin


Pass variable in list and expect its literal value

Braces prevent substitution of variables, so use double quotes instead:

set results " address contact $testString "
puts $results
# address contact John A. Smith, Mobile:001-445-4567-0987, Pin-556789

Or use subst to force the substitution afterwards:

set results { address contact $testString }
set results [subst $results]
puts $results
# address contact John A. Smith, Mobile:001-445-4567-0987, Pin-556789

Or if you actually mean to have a list where the first element is address, the second contact and the third being $testString's value, then you can use list, except the output will look different:

set results [list address contact $testString]
puts $results
# address contact {John A. Smith, Mobile:001-445-4567-0987, Pin-556789}

But that way, you can get testString back if you do something like lindex $results 2, whereas if you used any of the earlier methods, you would get only the first word of testString, that is, John.

Is it possible to make a foreach loop for every character in a string?

You need to explicitly break the string into a list of characters:

foreach char [split $string ""] {...

How to loop over jq unique array in bash?

Works with change ' ' to '_' and back

messages=$( jq -rc '[.[].message] | unique | @sh' <<<"${commits}" )
messages="${messages// /_}"
messages=(${messages//"'_'"/"' '"})
echo "messages: ${messages[@]//_/ }"
for message in "${messages[@]//_/ }"
echo " message: $message"

Or like this

IFS=$'\n' messages=( $(jq -rc '.[].message' <<<"${commits}") )
printf "messages: "; printf "'%s' " "${messages[@]}"; echo
printf " message: '%s' \n" "${messages[@]}"

And we could do something like that

authors=($(jq -rc '.[]' <<<"${commits}"))
messages=($(jq -rc '.[].message' <<<"${commits}"))
printf " authors | "; printf "'%s' " "${authors[@]}" ; echo
printf " author | '%s' \n" "${authors[@]}"
echo "---------+---------"
printf "messages | "; printf "'%s' " "${messages[@]}"; echo
printf " message | '%s' \n" "${messages[@]}"

To output like this

 authors | 'Chris' 'John' 'John' 
author | 'Chris'
author | 'John'
author | 'John'
messages | 'commit message 1' 'commit message 2' 'commit message 3'
message | 'commit message 1'
message | 'commit message 2'
message | 'commit message 3'

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