How to Do the Opposite of Diff

How can I show lines in common (reverse diff)?

On *nix, you can use comm. The answer to the question is:

comm -1 -2 file1.sorted file2.sorted 
# where file1 and file2 are sorted and piped into *.sorted

Here's the full usage of comm:

comm [-1] [-2] [-3 ] file1 file2
-1 Suppress the output column of lines unique to file1.
-2 Suppress the output column of lines unique to file2.
-3 Suppress the output column of lines duplicated in file1 and file2.

Also note that it is important to sort the files before using comm, as mentioned in the man pages.

Laravel collection opposite of diff

You can use duplicates method after mergging into single collection

$collection1 = collect([1,2,3,4]);
$collection2 = collect([1,5,6,4]);

$duplicates = $collection1

Will give you

Illuminate\Support\Collection {#1151
all: [

How to get opposite direction of `git diff origin/master`

Right: git diff commit-specifier compares the given commit's tree to the work-tree, with the commit's tree on the "left side" as a/ and the work-tree on the "right side" as b/. As you noted, it's tough to reverse these as the work-tree is implied by the lack of a second tree or commit specifier.

Fortunately, git diff has a -R option to reverse the two sides, so git diff -R commit-specifier does the trick.

opposite of df.diff() in pandas

You can use rolling with a window size of 2 and sum:

df['f'] = df['d'].rolling(2).sum().shift(-1)

c d f
0 dd 1 3.0
1 ee 2 5.0
2 ff 3 7.0
3 gg 4 9.0
4 hh 5 NaN

cumsum the opposite of diff in r

The functions are quite different: diff(x) returns a vector of length (length(x)-1) which contains the difference between one element and the next in a vector x, while cumsum(x) returns a vector of length equal to the length of x containing the sum of the elements in x


x <- c(1:10)
#[1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
> diff(x)
#[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
v <- cumsum(x)
> v
#[1] 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55

The function cumsum() is the cumulative sum and therefore the entries of the vector v[i] that it returns are a result of all elements in x between x[1] and x[i]. In contrast, diff(x) only takes the difference between one element x[i] and the next, x[i+1].

The combination of cumsum and diff leads to different results, depending on the order in which the functions are executed:

> cumsum(diff(x))
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Here the result is the cumulative sum of a sequence of nine "1". Note that if this result is compared with the original vector x, the last entry 10 is missing.

On the other hand, by calculating

> diff(cumsum(x))
# 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

one obtains a vector that is again similar to the original vector x, but now the first entry 1 is missing.

In none of the cases the original vector is restored, therefore it cannot be stated that cumsum() is the opposite or inverse function of diff()

reverse diff functionality

Chances are, if you have diff available, you will have grep available too. So pipe the diff output through grep to check which result you get, and act accordingly. diff -qs will output "Files a.txt and b.txt are identical" or "Files a.txt and b.txt differ". So you can check for the presence of "identical" in the output to find your case.

if diff -qs a.txt b.txt | grep -q identical; then
echo "Files are identical. Reporting"
# Do nothing

Or as a oneliner:

(diff -qs a.txt b.txt | grep -q identical) && echo "Files are identical."

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