How to Change Rvm Install Location

How to change rvm install location?

Figure out myself by doing some research online, hope this can help someone out:

Suppose you want to move from home/username/.rvm to /opt/local/rvm

  1. Update you .bash_profile or .bashrc to:

    if [ -s "$HOME/.rvmrc" ]; then
    source "$HOME/.rvmrc"
    fi # to have $rvm_path defined if set
    if [ -s "${rvm_path-$HOME/.rvm}/scripts/rvm" ]; then
    source "${rvm_path-$HOME/.rvm}/scripts/rvm"
  2. find your .rvmrc under $HOME/.rvmrc, if not found, create one and put this line in it:

    export rvm_path=/opt/local/rvm

  3. move your file to the new location : mv $HOME/.rvm/* /opt/local/rvm
  4. execute rvm repair all and rvm reload

And you are good to go!

define rvm installation directory

I am too impatient. Found it.

./install --path='/data/' --auto-dotfiles 

RVM: how to change default path to home directory?

You can remove all the trace by executing this script

/usr/bin/sudo rm -rf $HOME/.rvm $HOME/.rvmrc /etc/rvmrc /etc/profile.d/ /usr/local/rvm /usr/local/bin/rvm
/usr/bin/sudo /usr/sbin/groupdel rvm
/bin/echo "RVM is removed. Please check all .bashrc|.bash_profile|.profile|.zshrc for RVM source lines and delete
or comment out if this was a Per-User installation."

coming from

make sure to restart machine to get rid of any environment variables that would point out to the old location (yes it is required in case of playing with system installation).

Setting the RVM path?

After you first execute

echo '[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" # Load RVM function' >> ~/.bash_profile

you shouldn't need to do it again. That line appends the necessary file inclusion information RVM into your .bash_profile. If you are using bash (as opposed to zsh, ksh, csh, tcsh or any other shell), then RVM will be accessible each time you open a new session. If you are using a different shell, that line may need to be in a different startup file. For example, if you are using zsh, then you'll probably want to append it to your ~/.zshrc file.

Having done this, simply running rvm --default use ruby-1.9.2 once should ensure that you have the desired version of Ruby by default. Note, you should not need to add this line to your .bash_profile or similar.

rvm installation not working: RVM is not a function

You are not using an login shell.

The process of enabling the login flag is described here, also some details on what a login shell is can be found here.

Thus, you need to check the option "Run as login shell" in the Gnome terminal's settings. It is required to open new terminal after this setting the flag.

Sometimes it is required to set the command to /bin/bash --login.

For remote connections it is important to understand the differene between running interactive ssh session and executing single commands.

While running ssh server and then working with the server interactively you are using login shell by default and it's all fine, but for ssh server "command" you are not using login shell and it would be required to run it with ssh server 'bash -lc "command"'.

Any remote invocation can have the same problem as executing single command with ssh.

RVM installed by Ruby not working?

RVM requires a minor addition to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile to initialize it when you log-in. It is specified in the installation docs in the Post Install section. Did you do that?

Per your rvm info output, it looks like you haven't completed your installation. All the entries in the output should have corresponding values. So, I suspect you haven't added:

[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"  # This loads RVM into a shell session.

to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile and then started a new session.

If you are doing a "Multi-User" installation then you'll need to do a lot more. Have you modified /etc/profile, or, if you are using Bash as your shell, have you modified /etc/bash.bashrc to include:

# Load RVM if it is installed,
# first try to load user install
# then try to load root install, if user install is not there.
if [ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ] ; then
. "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"
elif [ -s "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm" ] ; then
. "/usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm"

and started a new shell?

Personally I don't like the multi-user install as much as the single-user install, and don't recommend it but your mileage might vary.

As a FYI: In a discussion with the RVM maintainers on IRC last year, they told me they do not recommend the system-wide installation, and instead recommend the local "single-user" installation, even for servers.

How to use rvm (ruby version manager) with root account?

I found the solution:

rvmsudo does the trick.

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