How Make /Var/Www Contents Editable by Ide

How to resolve /var/www copy/write permission denied?

it'matter of *unix permissions, gain root acces, for example by typing

sudo su
[then type your password]

and try to do what you have to do

Proper owner of var/www/html

Some CMSes and Wordpress is especially bad about that because it's actually in the code to use the web user.

BTW you should never need to use root for ftp. www-data the default apache user on ubuntu should own your web files/directory to work properly with many cmses.

So this is what has worked before and what we did for clients with the same issue. chown the whole web root as www-data for both user and group.

So if your document root is /var/www/html, cd or change directory to /var/www and run this to change ownership on all files and directories.

chown -R www-data: html/

while still in the /var/www directory add write permissions to the group for files and directories by running this command.

find html -type f -exec chmod 664 {} + -o -type d -exec chmod 775 {} +

Finally add your FTP user to the www-data group.

usermod -a -G www-data username

Replace usename with your FTP client username

Now this setup should allow you to use manage files and still allow the CMS ftp backend to still function and write to the direc. Let me know how that works for you.

www-data permissions?

sudo chown -R yourname:www-data cake


sudo chmod -R g+s cake

First command changes owner and group.

Second command adds s attribute which will keep new files and directories within cake having the same group permissions.

cd /var/www: Permission denied

I found the answer:

Inputting unicorn into "$USER" should result with "unicorn" with quotes, instead of merely unicorn.

Edit Contents for A Website

It is a little difficult to decipher what you're looking to accomplish. So I'll just go over a couple basics :)

HTML files act as the core structure of many sites. HTML files section off your site into blocks (Note the tags in your HTML file), and can be used to insert text onto the page. HTML files frequently reference CSS Files. CSS Files are used to format the regions and materials created in the HTML file (Like Colors, Margins, Padding, etc). If you're not looking to change the appearance of your site, then modifying the CSS file is not likely what you're looking to do. Javascript has a wide variety of uses. Usually, a developer would use Javascript to incorporate some arbitrary "Event" or "Action" (Like Dynamically changing content)

From your question, it sounds as though your boss is not asking you to change the functionality of your site, rather just the content. In that case, my first recommendation would be to direct you to the HTML File. HTML files are not encoded, so you can open them in a text editor. However, I would recommend you use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Download Brackets IDE to modify your HTML file with convenience. It was developed by Adobe Systems and works great.

If you are looking to simply change a mailing address, then find the mailing address in your HTML file, and replace it with your new address. If your HTML file is very large, then you can search the entire file using a hotkey (Ctrl + F).

If you would like to understand the HTML language better, I would recommend W3 Schools . This tutorial will help you understand what you're looking at in the HTML (Just in case your file requires some additional editing)

I hope this helps!

A general linux file permissions question: Apache and WordPress

What should I do to make them readable and writable by both kovshenin and apache?

  • Create a new group, say "wordpress".
  • Add both koveshenin and www-data users to the wordpress group.
  • Change the group owner of all the files to wordpress (using chgrp).
  • Make sure all the files are group writeable.
  • Set the g+s (setgid) permission bit on all the directories of interest.
  • Make sure kovshenin and apache's default umask includes group read & write permission.

The second last step is the trick. It means that whenever kovshenin or apache creates a file in those directories, the group owner will be set to wordpress (instead of kovshenin or apache).

Permission denied inside /var/www/html when creating a website and it's files with the apache2 server

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www

this works, it changes the owner to my user instead of root user. I still don't understand because my user already had sudo rights and all those permissions. It was the user I created during the ubuntu18.04 setup, so there shouldn't be an issue, or idk.

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