Hbase Does Not Run After ./Start-Hbase.Sh - Permission Denied

HBase does not run after ./start-hbase.sh - Permission Denied?

you say the output of ls -l start-hbase.sh is :

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1872 huhti 4 2013 start-hbase.sh

if you want to know what user and group you are logging with , there us simple way:

touch test
ls -l test

and check user:group ...

the problem is user owner and group owner of script..
you have two solutions:

1) sudo chown hduser:hduser start-hbase.sh  #here hduser is example...you should know what user and group you have,,,

inorder to make it your slave...with executable state(sudo chmod +x start-hbase.sh)

2) you can be root by: "su root" or "sudo su" or "sudo bash"

and then execute the script...

./start-hbase.sh is not starting on stand alone

chmod 777 ./start-hbase.sh to allow r/w access for all users.

chmod +x ./start-hbase.sh to make the script executable.

Why I'm getting Permission denied error HADOOP? And Why I'm unbale to import .csv file?

Your error tells exactly the problem. You're currently the Cloudera user. The folder is owned by hbase user and doesn't allow other users to write - inode="/hbase":hbase:supergroup:drwxr-xr-x

The permissions are for HDFS, not your local filesystem.

Run sudo su - hbase first before you can put data into the /hbase HDFS path, and no, hdfs:///etc doesn't exist at all, by default

Beyond that, I don't think putting files directly into the Hbase data path is the proper way to actually store them. Your syntax errors are because you're putting unquoted, spaced items in the value for -Dimporttsv.columns, so the command is interpreting them as separate arguments. Also, the HDFS path for your user files to import would be /user/cloudera, not /home/cloudera

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