Git Error: Cannot Handle Https

git error: cannot handle https

Version 0.99.9i of git probably does not support https protocol.

Try to install a more recent version of git. The easiest solution would be to install it via apt-get:

$ apt-get update
$ apt-get install git

After that check that the correct version is used:

$ hash -r
$ which git

If the returned string is not /usr/bin/git, then you have another older version of git in your PATH that is masking the more recent one. Remove it.

If you do not want to install git via apt-get or if you do not have administrator privilege on your machine, you can built it from source. You can download them from git website, and compilation should be as simple as:

$ tar -xvfj git-
$ cd git-
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/install
$ make && make install

After that, you'll have to add $HOME/install/bin to your PATH.

$ hash -r
$ PATH="$HOME/install/bin:${PATH}"
$ git --version
git version

git error cannot handle Commit as a builtin

Use commit instead of Commit :)

git: fatal: I don't handle protocol '​​http'

I copied and pasted the whole line git clone http://....

The character between git clone and http://... looks like a space, but it is a special Unicode character!

Short answer: After removing this character, and entering a real space, it worked!

For people who love details: I see two ways to reveal ascii vs special-unicode-characters

Way1: Python

Here is the real line:

vi t.txt # copy+paste the line
git clone \xe2\x80\x8b\xe2\x80\x8bhttp://...

Way2: less

vi t.txt # copy+paste the line
LESSCHARSET=ascii less vi.txt

If it looks like git clone <E2><80><8B><E2><80><8B>http://, then you copy+pasted special-unicode-characters.

fatal: I don't handle protocol 'https'

There is a good chance you have special characters somewhere in your commands according to these two SO posts:

git: fatal: I don't handle protocol '​​http'

Git Fetch returns 'fatal: I don't handle protocol https' in windows

Retype the commands and the problem should be alleviated.

Git fatal: protocol 'https' is not supported

Problem is probably this.

You tried to paste it using

  • CTRL + V

before and it didn't work so you went ahead and pasted it with classic

  • Right Click - Paste**.

Sadly whenever you enter CTRL + V on terminal it adds

  • a hidden ^?

(at least on my machine it encoded like that).

the character that you only appears after you

  • backspace

(go ahead an try it on git bash).

So your link becomes ^?https://...

which is invalid.

Git Fetch returns 'fatal: I don't handle protocol https' in windows

I can see extra spaces between forkgeek and https://... online 3.

Run these commands to fix it.

git remote remove forkgeek

git remote add upstream

git fetch upstream

I have changed forkgeek into upstream, you can have whatever name you want.

How to resolve git pull,fatal: unable to access '\': Empty reply from server

I resolved this problem. I think it happened maybe because of https but I am not very sure.
You can Switch remote URLs from HTTPS to SSH.

1.Pls refer to this link for details:

Also I had to config the ssh key.

2.Follow this:

I came across this problem because I replaced my mac, but I do the transfer of data,I think it is probably because the key reasons.

How can I make git accept a self signed certificate?

To permanently accept a specific certificate

Try http.sslCAPath or http.sslCAInfo. Adam Spiers's answer gives some great examples. This is the most secure solution to the question.

To disable TLS/SSL verification for a single git command

try passing -c to git with the proper config variable, or use Flow's answer:

git -c http.sslVerify=false clone

To disable SSL verification for all repositories

It is possible to globally deactivate ssl verification. It is highly recommended to NOT do this but it is mentioned for completeness:

git config --global http.sslVerify false # Do NOT do this!

There are quite a few SSL configuration options in git. From the man page of git config:

Whether to verify the SSL certificate when fetching or pushing over HTTPS.
Can be overridden by the GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY environment variable.

File containing the certificates to verify the peer with when fetching or pushing
over HTTPS. Can be overridden by the GIT_SSL_CAINFO environment variable.

Path containing files with the CA certificates to verify the peer with when
fetching or pushing over HTTPS.
Can be overridden by the GIT_SSL_CAPATH environment variable.

A few other useful SSL configuration options:

File containing the SSL certificate when fetching or pushing over HTTPS.
Can be overridden by the GIT_SSL_CERT environment variable.

File containing the SSL private key when fetching or pushing over HTTPS.
Can be overridden by the GIT_SSL_KEY environment variable.

Enable git's password prompt for the SSL certificate. Otherwise OpenSSL will
prompt the user, possibly many times, if the certificate or private key is encrypted.
Can be overridden by the GIT_SSL_CERT_PASSWORD_PROTECTED environment variable.

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