Generating a Comprehensive Callgraph Using Gcc & Egypt

Call graphs for CUDA

You can do this with the CUDA support of clang 3.8.

First, compile your CUDA code to emit llvm (example on Windows with CUDA 7.5 installed):

clang++ -c --cuda-gpu-arch=sm_35 -o main.ll -I"C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v7.5\include"

Then, use the generated ll to build the callgraph with opt:

opt.exe main.ll -analyze -dot-callgraph

Note that opt is not part of the default binary distribution, you may need to build it yourself (I had a 3.7.1 build and it has been able to manage the ll from 3.8).

Example file:

#include <cuda_runtime.h>
__device__ int f() { return 1; }
__device__ float g(float* a) { return a[f()] ; }
__device__ float h() { return 42.0f ; }
__global__ void kernel (int a, float* b)
int c = a + f();
b[c] = h();

Generated dot file:

digraph "Call graph" {
label="Call graph";

Node0x1e3d438 [shape=record,label="{external node}"];
Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3cfb0;
Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3ce48;
Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3d0a0;
Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3d258;
Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3cfd8;
Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3ce98;
Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3d000;
Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3cee8;
Node0x1e3d438 -> Node0x1e3d078;
Node0x1e3d000 [shape=record,label="{__cuda_module_ctor}"];
Node0x1e3d000 -> Node0x1e3ce98;
Node0x1e3d000 -> Node0x1e3d168;
Node0x1e3d078 [shape=record,label="{__cuda_module_dtor}"];
Node0x1e3d078 -> Node0x1e3cee8;
Node0x1e3cfb0 [shape=record,label="{^A?f@@YAHXZ}"];
Node0x1e3d0a0 [shape=record,label="{^A?h@@YAMXZ}"];
Node0x1e3ce48 [shape=record,label="{^A?g@@YAMPEAM@Z}"];
Node0x1e3ce48 -> Node0x1e3cfb0;
Node0x1e3d258 [shape=record,label="{^A?kernel@@YAXHPEAM@Z}"];
Node0x1e3d258 -> Node0x1e3cfb0;
Node0x1e3d258 -> Node0x1e3ce48;
Node0x1e3d258 -> Node0x1e3d0a0;
Node0x1e3d168 [shape=record,label="{__cuda_register_kernels}"];
Node0x1e3cee8 [shape=record,label="{__cudaUnregisterFatBinary}"];
Node0x1e3cee8 -> Node0x1e3d528;
Node0x1e3cfd8 [shape=record,label="{__cudaRegisterFunction}"];
Node0x1e3cfd8 -> Node0x1e3d528;
Node0x1e3ce98 [shape=record,label="{__cudaRegisterFatBinary}"];
Node0x1e3ce98 -> Node0x1e3d528;

Generating dynamic call graph of c/c++ programs on the run

I've used etrace to trace executions of programs.

Egypt does the same thing, but only has a limited support for C++.

Both requires the program to be instrumented with gcc.

Faster backtrace for call graph generation?

Is there a much faster way to generate call graphs?

Of course there is (using GDB for this is completely inappropriate).

The simplest solution is to use GCC -finstrument-functions to insert a call at every function entry and exit, and implement the data collection in these "injected" functions. There is an example here.

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