Gdb/Ddd Program Received Signal Sigill

SSL_library_init cause SIGILL when running under gdb

SSL_library_init cause SIGILL when running under gdb...

It actually does it all the time, and not just under GDB. It is normal behavior in startup code as the library tests for processor features. You can safely ignore it by issuing handle SIGILL nostop.

See item 17 in the OpenSSL FAQ for more details: When debugging I observe SIGILL during OpenSSL initialization: why?.

Program OK outside debugger, SIGILL under debugger when stepping?

Thanks to @ks1322, this is a known GDB/Kernel bug. See GDB crashes on debugging multithreaded program on ARM SMP dual core system in the GDB issue tracker.

According to the Debian BTS, this is also a known issue. See SIGILL when stepping through application on armhf in the Debian BTS.

The bug was refilled in hopes that it might actually be fixed sometime in the next year or two. See GDB Crash due to GDB/Kernel generated SIGILL

This is why I despise Debian's bug reporting systems. Stuff gets reported and then it just rots. Nothing gets fixed.

DDD(debugger) graphic display format

Yes, its showing that the value is repeated 225 times.

Using GDB, an array value that is repeated 10 or more times is
displayed only once. The value is shown with a postfix added,
where n is the number of times the value is repeated. Thus, the
display 0x0 <30x> stands for 30 array elements, each with the value
0x0. This saves a lot of display space, especially with homogeneous
arrays. (source)

Accessing program information that gdb sees in C++

The debugging format is called dwarf. This should give you hint where to search further.

Library to read ELF file DWARF debug information

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