Find All Writable Files in the Current Directory

Find all writable files in the current directory

find -type f -maxdepth 1 -writable

Find files that has write permission for current user

Your second command is correct, you just have to print the paths. Usually -print doesn't have to be mentioned, but with a few options like -exec you have to explicitly specify that you want to print the found paths.

find "$DIR" -type f -exec test -w {} \; -print

You may wonder: »Why does this print only writeable files?«

find uses short-circuit evaluation – the next option is only evaluated if the preceding option succeeded.

Example: In the command find -type f -user USER the check -user USER will only be performed on files, not on directories as -type f fails for directories.

The -exec cmd option also acts as a check – the exit status of cmd will be used to determine whether the check passed or not.

Example: find -exec false \; -user USER won't ever perform the check -user USER since the program false never succeeds.

In your case that means that -print will only be executed if test -w succeeded.

BASH - Find all world writable files referenced in a set of files

The major slowness certainly comes from the find /, scanning the entire filesystem. It will be faster to do the converse:

  • Extract all the absolute paths from the init scripts

    • Using an appropriate regex, for example excluding matches where a # occurs earlier on the same line
  • For each extracted potential path, check that:

    • The file actually exists
    • The file is world writable

The result should be significantly faster.

Listing files and directories writable by the group in Linux

Something like

find /dir/ -perm /g=w 

Or, for output like ls -l

find /dir/ -perm /g=w -exec ls -lLd {} +

Find writable files in Mac OS

Writable by whom?

If you mean writable by any, you can use:

find . -type f -perm -0222


find . -type f -perm -ugo=w

If you mean writable by other, use:

find . -type f -perm -0002


find . -type f -perm -o=w

LINUX - shell script finding and listing all files with rights to write in directory tree

The effect of your script is to find the files below the current working directory that are not directories and are writeable to the current user. This can be achieved with the command:

find ./ -type f -writable

The advantage of using -type f is that it also excludes symbolic links and other special kinds of file, if that's what you want. If you want all files that are not directories (as suggested by your script), then you can use:

find ./ ! -type d -writable

If you want to sort these files (added question, assuming lexicographic ascending order), you can use sort:

find ./ -type f -writable | sort

If you want to use these sorted filenames for something else, the canonical pattern would be (to handle filenames with embedded newlines and other seldom-used characters):

while read -r -d $'\0'; do
echo "File '$REPLY' is an ordinary file and is writable"
done < <(find ./ -type f -writable -print0 | sort -z)

If you're using a very old version of find that does not support the handy -writable predicate (added to v.4.3 in 2005), then you only have file permissions to go on. You then have to be clear about what you mean by “writable” in the specific context (writable to whom?), and you can replace the -writable predicate with the -perm predicates described in @gregb's answer. If you decide that you mean “writable by anyone” you could use -perm /u=w,g=w,o=w or -perm /222, but there's actually no way of getting all the benefits of -writable just using permissions. Also note that the + form of permission tests to -perm is deprecated and should no longer be used; the / form should be used instead.

find world-writable files with powershell

Check the appropriate properties instead of converting the Get-Acl output to a string. This works on all Windows versions:

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Force | Where-Object {
$acl = Get-Acl $_.FullName
$acl.Access | Where-Object { $_.IdentityReference -eq 'Everyone' }

You can expand the check to actually detect ACEs that allow write access to "Everyone" (the above would detect any ACE for "Everyone"):

Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Force | Where-Object {
$acl = Get-Acl $_.FullName
$acl.Access | Where-Object {
$_.IdentityReference -eq 'Everyone' -and
$_.AccessControlType -eq 'Allow' -and
$_.FileSystemRights -band 278

Beware, though, that DENY ACLs take precedence over ALLOW ACLs, and explicit ACLs take precedence over inherited ACLs, so "Everyone" may or may not actually have write access even if there is an ACE granting write access.

  • ALLOW ACE without DENY ACE ⇒ access allowed (obviously)
  • DENY ACE without ALLOW ACE ⇒ access denied (obviously)
  • inherited ALLOW ACE and inherited DENY ACE ⇒ access denied
  • explicit ALLOW ACE and inherited DENY ACE ⇒ access allowed
  • inherited ALLOW ACE and explicit DENY ACE ⇒ access denied
  • explicit ALLOW ACE and explicit DENY ACE ⇒ access denied

How to find force-writable files in Perforce

There are a variety of approaches to this problem. Start by reviewing the overall techniques here:

Bash check if all files in a folder are writable by www-data

You can use find to find out:

find /tmp/logs -not -user www-data

But, to to change the owner of all the files, you can use recursive chown:

chown -R /tmp/logs/* www-data

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