Deleting a Folder from Svn Repository

Deleting a folder from svn repository

Looks like a commit message is required, and you do not have your system configured to launch an editor for you to add one (without specifying on the command line).

Try this:

svn delete --message "Deleting"

How do you remove Subversion control for a folder?

Also, if you are using TortoiseSVN, just export to the current working copy location and it will remove the .svn folders and files.

Updated Answer for Subversion 1.7:
In Subversion 1.7 the working copy has been revised extensively. There is only one .svn folder, located in the base of the working copy. If you are using 1.7, then just deleting the .svn folder and its contents is an easy solution (regardless of using TortoiseSVN or command line tools).

Connect and delete folders in SVN repository

Unless you want to permanently remove a folder from the repository (i.e. with its whole history), you can execute the following command:

svn delete -m "Deleted 'FolderFoo'"

See svn delete command-line reference for further details.

How to delete a folder from Visual svn?

VisualSVN Server is based on Apache Subversion. Apache Subversion promises that once data is committed, it is stored in the repository forever. As @ÁlvaroGonzález pointed out in the comment: that's the whole purpose of source control: keep file history. However, there are special cases when you have to remove the data (i.e. purge or obliterate it), see below.

  • Running Delete operation in VisualSVN Server Manager console on a repository subtree has the same result as running svn delete command. You just remove a file, a set of files or subtrees from the latest (HEAD) revision, but the data and its changes history is still in the repository.

    Moreover, it does not make sense to remove branches in case of Subversion. Branches are mostly pointers to the copy-from source they've been branched from. Therefore, they don't really take much space on the server side.

  • Indeed, there are special cases when you have to remove, purge or obliterate some data from the repository. But note that low disk space is not really one of them, especially in enterprise environment, because Subversion repositories take as low space as possible. If your users don't store multigigabyte ISOs or video files, but only source code, removing any data from the repository is not recommended. Increase the disk space instead.

    However, you might be required to purge files with sensitive data, commits with very large files mistakenly committed to the repository, or for repository restructuring purposes. That's why Subversion offers repository filtering and hopefully will start supporting "obliterate" feature that's been requested from the very beginning of Subversion project.

How to delete an SVN project from SVN repository

this answer can be confusing

do read the comments attached to this post and make sure this is what you are after

'svn delete' works against repository content, not against the repository itself. for doing repository maintenance (like completely deleting one) you should use svnadmin.
However, there's a reason why svnadmin doesn't have a 'delete' subcommand. You can just

rm -rf $REPOS_PATH

on the svn server,

where $REPOS_PATH is the path you used to create your repository with

svnadmin create $REPOS_PATH

Delete dir/files from SVN remote repo without causing local non-versioned copy to be deleted

You can remove files remotely without checking out a particular working copy:

 $ svn rm -m "Removing user property" http://repo/svn/project/.userprops

However, you can always checkout a new working directory elsewhere on your computer and do your removal from there. I recommend this method because it allows you to check and verify what you're doing before committing changes. Plus, you can undo a bad revision by doing a reverse merge.

Suppose the revision with these wrongly added per-user files is revision 43210:

$ mkdir temp
$ cd temp # New clean directory for new clean checkout
$ svn co http://repos/svn/project/trunk project-trunk
$ cd project-trunk
$ svn merge -c -43210 # Removes the bad revision
$ svn commit -m"Reversing revision 43210 because of bad pre-user files added"

And that's it.

By the way, I have a pre-commit hook that will prevent this from happening again. You can simply configure it not to allow users to add and commit these per-user files in your project.

How to delete an svn imported files by mistake

Nothing to worry about, if you haven't committed anything.
Simply delete the folder from your local.

To check, go to SVN URL and see if you find anything from your local machine checked into SVN.

if yes, do SVN update on your local folder and delete the required folder and commit again.

How do I remove a folder from source control with TortoiseSVN?

There is a dedicated item in the extended context menu:

  • Hold the Shift key down and right click on the folder.
  • Under the TortoiseSVN menu click on "Delete (keep local)"

Sample Image

Image cropped from TortoiseSVN's extended context menu page.

Delete (keep local) documentation blurb.

Delete a file/folder from SVN via Tortoise: how to?

Right click file / folder -> TortoiseSVN -> Delete.

And then commit.

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