Define an Alias in Fish Shell

Define an alias in fish shell

Just use alias. Here's a basic example:

# Define alias in shell
alias rmi "rm -i"

# Define alias in config file ( `~/.config/fish/` )
alias rmi="rm -i"

# This is equivalent to entering the following function:
function rmi
rm -i $argv

# Then, to save it across terminal sessions:
funcsave rmi

This last command creates the file ~/.config/fish/functions/

Interested people might like to find out more about fish aliases in the official manual.

How to create a alias in fish shell

If you need to make alias of ls, then the above answers are OK.
However, fish already has a command for ls -lah, which is la.

Fish shell list with +30 aliases

fish has the same alias syntax as bash. It just converts the aliases to functions for you. All you need to do is funcsave them to make them "permanent".

Perhaps this will work for you:

awk -F '[ =]' '$1 == "alias" {print; print "funcsave", $2}' ~/.bashrc | source -

Storing fish shell aliases in another file

There are a few things fish offers here:

  • Files in ~/.config/fish/functions named after a function (plus a ".fish" ending) will be autoloaded once that function is called
  • Files in ~/.config/fish/conf.d/ (with a ".fish" ending) will be sourced before

So you can either put your functions/aliases in a function file each, or put them in files in conf.d in whatever grouping you want.

Also you can put your fish_prompt in its own file - ~/.config/fish/functions/

(also "alias" is simply a cheesy helper function to make functions - the core shell has no concept of aliases)

Alias with spaces and arguments in Fish 3

Short answer: It's a bug in the alias function, tho your escaping is inconsistent.

"'/mnt/c/Program Files\ (x86)/Microsoft\ Visual\ Studio/2019/Enterprise/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe' /Edit"

Easy workaround is to fully escape it:

alias d "'/mnt/c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Microsoft\ Visual\ Studio/2019/Enterprise/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe' /Edit"

Or, as alias is just a (hacky) function that writes functions, skip the middle man and just write a function:

function d
"/mnt/c/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio/2019/Enterprise/Common7/IDE/devenv.exe" /Edit $argv

Define that interactively and use funcsave d, or write it manually to or a file called ~/.config/fish/functions/

Alias with whitespace in fish shell

This is currently not possible with fish's alias wrapper function.

However, what that ends up doing anyway is defining a function, so you could just do that.

function "hello there"
echo hello there

Execute with "hello there" or hello\ there.

Getting an error when defining an alias in the fish shell config file

The first thing to note is that the fish alias command is not the same thing as the bash alias command. In fish alias something is just shorthand for

function something
something $argv

In this case I recommend making it an abbreviation: abbr em 'emacsclient -n -c $PWD&'. Alternatively define it explicitly using the function syntax.

Defining an Alias to Image Magick in Fish Shell

fish does not have aliases; you need to define a function instead.

function trim
convert -trim $argv[1] $argv[1]

Running fish -c help (or simply help if you are already in a fish session)
will open the fish documentation in a web browser, where you can find the documentation for the function command used to define shell functions.

fishshell alias without replacing command

What you're describing is abbreviations, not aliases. Abbreviations are commands that expand as you type them.

Running a command like you described:

alias aa="abc -d -e -f"

will indeed set an alias that will not expand in-line.

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