Convert String to Hexadecimal on Command Line

Convert string to hexadecimal on command line

echo -n "Hello" | od -A n -t x1


  • The echo program will provide the string to the next command.
  • The -n flag tells echo to not generate a new line at the end of the "Hello".
  • The od program is the "octal dump" program. (We will be providing a flag to tell it to dump it in hexadecimal instead of octal.)
  • The -A n flag is short for --address-radix=n, with n being short for "none". Without this part, the command would output an ugly numerical address prefix on the left side. This is useful for large dumps, but for a short string it is unnecessary.
  • The -t x1 flag is short for --format=x1, with the x being short for "hexadecimal" and the 1 meaning 1 byte.

Conversion hex string into ascii in bash command line

This worked for me.

$ echo 54657374696e672031203220330 | xxd -r -p
Testing 1 2 3$

-r tells it to convert hex to ascii as opposed to its normal mode of doing the opposite

-p tells it to use a plain format.

bash ascii to hex

$ str="hello"
$ hex=$(xxd -pu <<< "$str")
$ echo "$hex"


$ hex=$(hexdump -e '"%X"' <<< "$str")
$ echo "$hex"

Careful with the '"%X"'; it has both single quotes and double quotes.

Convert binary data to hexadecimal in a shell script

Perhaps use xxd:

% xxd -l 16 -p /dev/random

Convert hex string to ASCII string in Windows batch file

Use certutil tool, see certutil /? for more info.

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "hex=4C6F67696300000000000000"
echo !hex!> temp.hex
call certutil -decodehex temp.hex str.txt >nul
set /p str=<str.txt
( del temp.hex & del str.txt )>nul
echo Your decoded string is:"!str!".
exit /b 0

Is there any way to convert the hex code from string to hex colour which supports?

Look at the error.

TypeError: Expected discord.Colour, int, or Embed.Empty

An int would suffice, no need for extra conversions.

async def testing(ctx):
# color = lgd.hexConvertor(colorCollection.find({},{"_id":0,"Hex":1}))
c = "0xFFFFFF"
int_colour = int(c,16)
await ctx.send(embed = discord.Embed(description = "testing",color = int_colour))

Ascii/Hex convert in bash

The reason is because hexdump by default prints out 16-bit integers, not bytes. If your system has them, hd (or hexdump -C) or xxd will provide less surprising outputs - if not, od -t x1 is a POSIX-standard way to get byte-by-byte hex output. You can use od -t x1c to show both the byte hex values and the corresponding letters.

If you have xxd (which ships with vim), you can use xxd -r to convert back from hex (from the same format xxd produces). If you just have plain hex (just the '4161', which is produced by xxd -p) you can use xxd -r -p to convert back.

DOS command to format string to hex value

Forget about Peak Oil, what about Peak DOS? It's time to look to the future. And the future is PowerShell.

PS > "{0:x4}" -f ([int]"999")

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