Check What Conda Environment Is Currently Activated

Check what conda environment is currently activated

When a conda environment is activated, it will export following related environment variables:

  • $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV, name of current activated env
  • $CONDA_PREFIX, path to the current activate env

How do I find the name of the conda environment in which my code is running?


$ source activate my_env
(my_env) $ echo $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV

(my_env) $ echo $CONDA_PREFIX

$ source deactivate
$ echo $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV # (not-defined)

$ echo $CONDA_PREFIX # (not-defined)

In python:

import os

for the absolute entire path which is usually more useful:

Python 3.9.0 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Oct 14 2020, 22:56:29) 
[Clang 10.0.1 ] on darwin
import os; print(os.environ["CONDA_PREFIX"])

The environment variables are not well documented. You can find CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV mentioned here:

The only info on CONDA_PREFIX I could find is this Issue:

how do you check to see if any conda environment is active with a flag

I found the answer myself. There is a CONDA_SHLVL environment variable.

[[ $CONDA_SHLVL == 1 ]] && echo "conda environment is active"

Another option would be to run

conda info but the output must be parsed

when a conda env is not active it will display

william‣ wmbp‣ ~ % conda info                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

active environment : None

Check if conda env exists and create if not in bash

update 2022

i've been receiving upvotes recently. so i'm going to bump up that this method overall is not natively "conda" and might not be the best approach. like i said originally, i do not use conda. take my advice at your discretion.

rather, please refer to @merv's comment in the question suggesting the use of the --prefix flag

additionally take a look at the documentation for further details

NOTE: you can always use a function within your bash script for repeated command invocations with very specific flags


function PREFIXED_CONDA(){
# copy $1 to $action;
shift 1;
# delete first argument and shift remaining indeces to the left
conda ${action} --prefix /path/to/project ${@}

i am not sure how conda env list works (i don't use Anaconda); and your current if-tests are vague

but i'm going out on a limb and guessing this is what you're looking for

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ...
conda env list | grep "${@}" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

if find_in_conda_env ".*RUN_ENV.*" ; then
conda activate RUN_ENV
# ...

instead of bringing it out into a separate function, you could also do

# ...
if conda env list | grep ".*RUN_ENV.*" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# ...

bonus points for neatness and clarity if you use command grouping

# ...
if { conda env list | grep 'RUN_ENV'; } >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# ...

if simply checks the exit code. and grep exits with 0 (success) as long as there's at least one match of the pattern provided; this evaluates to "true" in the if statement

(grep would match and succeed even if the pattern is just 'RUN_ENV' ;) )

the awk portion of ENVS=$(conda env list | awk '{print }' ) does virtually nothing. i would expect the output to be in tabular format, but {print } does no filtering, i believe you were looking for {print $n} where n is a column number or awk /PATTERN/ {print} where PATTERN is likely RUN_ENV and only lines which have PATTERN are printed.

but even so, storing a table in a string variable is going to be messing. you might want an array.

then coming to your if-condition, it's plain syntactically wrong.

  • the [[ construct is for comparing values: integer, string, regex
  • but here on the left of = we have a command conda env list
    • which i believe is also the contents of $ENVS
  • hence we can assume you meant [[ "${ENVS}" == *"RUN_ENV"* ]]
    • or alternately [[ $(conda env list) == *"RUN_ENV"* ]]
  • but still, regex matching against a table... not very intuitive imo
  • but it works... sort of
  • the proper clean syntax for regex matching is
    • [[ ${value} =~ /PATTERN/ ]]

In which conda environment is Jupyter executing?

Question 1: Find the current notebook's conda environment

Open the notebook in Jupyter Notebooks and look in the upper right corner of the screen.

It should say, for example, "Python [env_name]" if the language is Python and it's using an environment called env_name.

jupyter notebook with name of environment

Question 2: Start Jupyter Notebook from within a different conda environment

Activate a conda environment in your terminal using source activate <environment name> before you run jupyter notebook. This sets the default environment for Jupyter Notebooks. Otherwise, the [Root] environment is the default.

jupyter notebooks home screen, conda tab, create new environment

You can also create new environments from within Jupyter Notebook (home screen, Conda tab, and then click the plus sign).

And you can create a notebook in any environment you want. Select the "Files" tab on the home screen and click the "New" dropdown menu, and in that menu select a Python environment from the list.

jupyter notebooks home screen, files tab, create new notebook

How to activate a miniconda environment in anaconda?

It is perhaps a bit hidden or unexpected but you can use absolute path to activate every conda environment. Copying from conda activate --help:

ActivateHelp: usage: conda activate [-h] [--[no-]stack] [env_name_or_prefix]

Activate a conda environment.


positional arguments:
env_name_or_prefix The environment name or prefix to activate. If the
prefix is a relative path, it must start with './'
(or '.' on Windows).

More concretely, you can write:

conda activate /Users/my_name/opt/miniconda3/envs/my_miniconda_env

and it should work.

Note: This post is written for the sake of completion, since Brian said in the comments that it works for him.

When I activate a conda environment, username and current directory disappear in the terminal

You can set changeps1 to False by running the following command in the terminal:

conda config --set changeps1 False

or manually update .condarc.

How to activate an Anaconda environment

If this happens you would need to set the PATH for your environment (so that it gets the right Python from the environment and Scripts\ on Windows).

Imagine you have created an environment called py33 by using:

conda create -n py33 python=3.3 anaconda

Here the folders are created by default in Anaconda\envs, so you need to set the PATH as:

set PATH=C:\Anaconda\envs\py33\Scripts;C:\Anaconda\envs\py33;%PATH%

Now it should work in the command window:

activate py33

The line above is the Windows equivalent to the code that normally appears in the tutorials for Mac and Linux:

$ source activate py33

More info:!topic/anaconda/8T8i11gO39U

Does `anaconda` create a separate PYTHONPATH variable for each new environment?

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