Bluetooth Error: Native Library Bluecove_Arm Not Available

Bluetooth error: Native Library bluecove_arm not available

You want to:

  • Install Apache Ant onto your Raspi - sudo apt-get install ant
  • Download "" and extract it to a directory on your Pi using command 'unzip'
  • Navigate to the folder inside "", it should be something like "bluecove-gpl-2.1.0"
  • Inside this folder there should be a "build.xml" file, run the command ant all
  • Let the magic happen and viola.
    After it has built the project, you should now have a 'bluecove-gpl.jar' (or similarly named) file generated somewhere, it should tell you from the output of the build script where you can find it.
  • This "bluecove-gpl.jar" is then included in your Java application's classpath, along with a "bluecove-2.1.1.jar" (or similarly named) file.

Extra steps

One extra step I did before all of this was to install "Maven" on my pi: sudo apt-get install maven: then from the directory which contains the 'build.xml' file I run the command mvn eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse -DdownloadSources=true

  • I also have the packages "bluez" "bluez-util" and "blueman" installed: using "sudo apt-get install".

  • There is a .txt file in the folder "bluecove-gpl-src/bluecove-gpl-2.1.0/" called "developer-read-me.txt" this has some useful information.

  • the 'build.xml' file expects you to have bluecove.jar in a folder position relative to it's own: '../bluecove/target/'

end extra steps

I'm not at my Pi right now, so I can't tell you precisely what I did with that file: I'm sure I included it in the classpath for my project: but I don't think it actually mattered.

If you have any trouble with the steps above: let me know and I'll do my best to help and clarify!

BlueCove library bluecove not available - Error using Bluecove/Java

I found an solutution to the problem.

for ubuntu version

sudo apt-get install libbluetooth-dev 

for fedora version

yum install bluez-libs-devel

should do the trick



The package has a differant name in CentOS 5.5... it is

bluez-libs-devel-3.7-1.1.x86_64  <---64-bit
bluez-libs-devel-3.7-1.1.i386 <---32-bit

Native library bluecove not available on Mac

OpenJDK may work as Mike suggested but its installation process was rather involved. I found a workaround by installing an earlier version of Eclipse that supported 32-bit OS X versions and setting -d32 in the VM arguments there worked without issues. Be sure to keep the earlier version of Eclipse in a separate folder so it doesn't overwrite your recent version.

I installed the 32-bit version of Eclipse Kepler from here:

Of course, Bluecove had some other issues with IOBluetooth device not found (since Apple removed that since OS X 10.8 I believe), for which you can check here for a possible solution.

error with bluecove library in java

Well, the message says it all.

You're casting the Connection returned by to StreamConnection.

But the returned connection is not an instance of StreamConnection. It's an instance of which, if you read the javadoc or source code, implements StreamConnectionNotifier, but not StreamConnection.

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