Ansible Reboot Fails

ansible reboot fails

I reboot servers with async fire and forget mode:

- name: Restart server
become: yes
shell: sleep 2 && /sbin/shutdown -r now "Ansible system package upgraded"
async: 1
poll: 0

How to wait for server restart using Ansible?

You should change the wait_for task to run as local_action, and specify the host you're waiting for. For example:

- name: Wait for server to restart
module: wait_for

How can I use ansible playbook to reboot a ubuntu server?

Might I suggest to use a bridge or private network. Using the port forward might be tricky. I used your code with private and bridged network worked perfectly with both.

Every Ansible command responds with abort

I found the solution to my problem here. It's a problem with OpenSSL:

The steps to fix:

brew reinstall openssl

cd /usr/local/lib
sudo ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.dylib libssl.dylib
sudo ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.dylib libcrypto.dylib

ansible - cisco IOS and reload command

You can use:

- name: reload device
- "reload in 1\ny"
provider: "{{ cli }}"

This will reload the device in 1 minute and the reload prompt gets accepted. It works well for ansible because the default prompt of ios will come back (reload gets triggered in 1 minute).


Ansible non-root sudo user and become privilege escalation

Why am I getting permission denied?

Because APT requires root permissions (see the error: are you root?) and you are running the tasks as david.

Per these settings:

become: true
become_user: david
become_method: sudo

Ansible becomes david using sudo method. It basically runs its Python script with sudo david in front.

the user 'david' on the remote box has sudo privileges.

It means david can execute commands (some or all) using sudo-executable to change the effective user for the child process (the command). If no username is given, this process runs as the root account.

Compare the results of these two commands:

$ sudo whoami
$ sudo david whoami

Back to the APT problem, you (from CLI) as well as Ansible (connecting with SSH using your account) need to run:

sudo apt-get install sqlite3


sudo david apt-get install sqlite3

which will fail with the very exact message Ansible displayed.

The following playbook will escalate by default to the root user:

- name: Testing...
hosts: all
become: true

- name: Just want to install sqlite3 for example...
apt: name=sqlite3 state=present

Check if Chocolatey is installed in Ansible

You can add a task to check choco command is ready. And execute script InstallChocolatey.ps1 when choco is not available.

- name: Check if Chocolatey is already installed
win_shell: (Get-Command choco).Path
register: get_command_choco

- name: Create C:\temp
path: C:\temp
state: directory

- name: Save InstallChocolatey.ps1 file
src: InstallChocolatey.ps1.j2
dest: c:\temp\InstallChocolatey.ps1

- name: Run InstallChocolatey.ps1
win_shell: C:\temp\InstallChocolatey.ps1
when: not get_command_choco.stderr == ""

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