Add Suffix to Each Line with Shell Script

Add suffix to each lines containing specific word

Try this:

#! /bin/bash

exec < file1

while read -r id; do
check=$(grep "^$id:" file2)
if (($? == 0)); then
echo "$check"
echo "$id"

Update: alternative implementation, which reads file2 just once.

#! /bin/bash

file2=$(grep ':Checked$' file2)

exec < file1

while read -r id; do
check=$(grep "^$id:" <<< $file2)
if (($? == 0)); then
echo "$check"
echo "$id"

Add prefix to each word of each line in bash

With sed :

$ deps='word1 word2'
$ echo "$deps" | sed 's/[^ ]* */prefix-&/g'
prefix-word1 prefix-word2

Add a prefix string to beginning of each line

# If you want to edit the file in-place
sed -i -e 's/^/prefix/' file

# If you want to create a new file
sed -e 's/^/prefix/' file >

If prefix contains /, you can use any other character not in prefix, or
escape the /, so the sed command becomes

# or

Add prefix and suffix to $@ in bash

I would use shell [ parameter expansion ] for this

$ set -- one two three
$ echo "$@"
one two three
$ set -- "${@/#/pre}" && set -- "${@/%/post}"
$ echo "$@"
preonepost pretwopost prethreepost


  • The # matches the beginning
  • The % matches the end
  • Using double quotes around ${@} considers each element as a separate word. so replacement happens for every positional parameter

Add prefix/suffix to all elements in space-separated string

If you have a proper array,

foo=(a b c)

you can add a prefix using the /# operator and add a suffix with the /% operator. It does have to be done in two steps, though.

$ foo=(a b c)
$ foo=("${foo[@]/#/__PREFIX__}")
$ foo=("${foo[@]/%/__SUFFIX__}")
$ declare -p foo
declare -a foo=([0]="__PREFIX__a__SUFFIX__" [1]="__PREFIX__b__SUFFIX__" [2]="__PREFIX__c__SUFFIX__")

If you just have a space-separated string, you can use //:

$ foo="a b c"
$ foo="__PREFIX__${foo// /__SUFFIX__ __PREFIX__}__SUFFIX__"
$ echo "$foo"

How to append suffix to all string matched regular expression in unix

Sed should do that:

sed -i~ -e 's/:\([0-9]\{1,\}\)/:\1_suffix/g' file
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
| | | | | |
start capture | | end | globally, i.e. not just the first
group | | capture | occurrence on a line
any digit | the first capture
one or group contents
more times

If -i is not supported, just create a new file and replace the old one:

sed ... > newfile
mv oldfile oldfile~ # a backup
mv newfile oldfile

Add prefix and suffix to all lines in all files?

Try doing this :

sed 's@^@<url><loc>; s@$@</url></loc>@' files*.html

Add the -i switch to sed if you want to replace the files in place.

In Bash, how do I add a string after each line in a file?

If your sed allows in place editing via the -i parameter:

sed -e 's/$/string after each line/' -i filename

If not, you have to make a temporary file:

typeset TMP_FILE=$( mktemp )

touch "${TMP_FILE}"
cp -p filename "${TMP_FILE}"
sed -e 's/$/string after each line/' "${TMP_FILE}" > filename

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