Why the Onclick Element Will Trigger Twice For Label Element

Why the onclick element will trigger twice for label element

When you click on the label, it triggers the click handler, and you get an alert.

But clicking on a label also automatically sends a click event to the associated input element, so this is treated as a click on the checkbox. Then event bubbling causes that click event to be triggered on the containing element, which is the label, so your handler is run again.

If you change your HTML to this, you won't get the double alert:

<input id="wowcb" type="checkbox" name="checkbox" value="value">
<label id="wow" for="wowcb">Text</label>

The label is now associated with the checkbox using the for attribute instead of wrapping around it.


Why is the onClick event triggered twice?

It is calling twice because button is inside a span and span has onclick="alert('Boem')", hence when you trigger click on button then it shows alert and same click event propagate to span and shows alert once again.

you need to stop default behaviour of button using below code :



Javascript click event triggers twice

This happens because of what the HTML spec describes at 4.10.4:

For example, on platforms where clicking a checkbox label checks the
checkbox, clicking the label in the following snippet could trigger
the user agent to run synthetic click activation steps on the input
element, as if the element itself had been triggered by the user:

<label><input type=checkbox name=lost> Lost</label>

On other platforms, the behavior might be just to focus the control,
or do nothing.

This means that when a <label> is clicked, the browser creates a second "synthetic" click event on the associated <input> element, in order to toggle its state.

The reason divClicked is triggered twice, is because the first event which comes from the <label> bubbles up to the <div>, and also the second, synthetic click event bubbles up to the <div>.

Why onclick is being triggered twice?

When you click on the label, it triggers the checkbox`s click event.

But clicking on a label also automatically sends a click event to the associated input element, so this is treated as a click on the checkbox. Then event bubbling causes that click event to be triggered on the containing element, which is the label, so your handler is run again.

put the checkbox outside the label like so

<input type="checkbox">

UPDATE : you can also do as @Rejith R Krishnan suggested and set the click event handler on the checkbox and not the label

Why does html label for trigger callback on containing div twice?

This is because label is an interactive element. When clicked it triggers an activation event on its associated element. This activation event usually causes a click event, so you get two clicks instead of one. One for the actual user click and one caused by the activation event.


For example, on platforms where clicking a checkbox label checks the
checkbox, clicking the label in the following snippet could trigger
the user agent to run synthetic click activation steps on the input
element, as if the element itself had been triggered by the user:

<label><input type=checkbox name=lost> Lost</label>

On other
platforms, the behavior might be just to focus the control, or do

While the example from the docs shows an onClick for the input element, the event would bubble up so in your case your div gets the bubbled click event

Interactive-content doc

To prevent this you can prevent the default action, or use stopPropagation to stop the event from bubbling up.


<label onclick="return false;" for='foo-pie'>Pick Foo:</label>

in code


<label id="foolabel" for='foo-pie'>Pick Foo:</label>


e.preventDefault(); //Or


<div id='foo' onClick="alert('clicked')">  <label onclick="event.stopPropagation();" for='foo-pie'>Pick Foo:</label>  <select id='foo-pie' name='wat[wat]'>    <option value='pie'>Foo</option>  </select></div>

Why button is being clicked twice

The solution was to change the "onclick" action to "change" action. Thank you all for the support towards the solution.

Clicking on input's label triggers two clicks

A click is processed for both elements.

document.addEventListener(`click`, onClick)

var counter = 0;

function onClick(event) {

Click event triggeres twice but are only set once

The second click event on the form is triggered by clicking on the label element wrapping the input and the other elements. A label element triggers a click event on the associated input element. MDN says:

"When a label is clicked or tapped and it is associated with a form control, the resulting click event is also raised for the associated control."

Preventing the default action of clicking the label is not a solution, since it would prevent the state change of the associated checkbox. A fix would be to attach input event instead of click to execute what you need when the state of the checkbox is changed.

If there are more inputs to listen in the form, things are getting a bit more complex, as usual when using this type of the event delegation. In that case you've to check the event really was triggered from an element you expect to response the clicks.

On element click Trigger event fire twice for input checkbox

The issue is because the click occurs on the div, which triggers a click on the child checkbox which in turn propagates up the DOM and runs the click handler on the div again.

If you are trying to create a bigger hit-area for the checkbox, just use a label element instead. Then you get this behaviour for free without needing any JS.

If you want to know the state of a checkbox when it's changed, hook a change event handler to it. Try this:

$(':checkbox').on('change', function() {  if (this.checked) {    console.log('input checked')  } else {    console.log('unchecked')  }});
.test {  height: 150px;  width: 150px;  background: red;  display: block;}
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script><label class="test">  <input type="checkbox" name=""></label>

Clicking on an input[checkbox]'s label will fire twice the parent's click event (knockout)

I found an answer for you here. The trick is to make the label stop bubbling with a custom binding.

<label for="test" data-bind="stopBubble:parentAction">TestLabel</label>

The stopBubble binding is at the link, and also in the Fiddle.


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