What Does ':' (Colon) Do in JavaScript

What does ':' (colon) do in JavaScript?

var o = {
r: 'some value',
t: 'some other value'

is functionally equivalent to

var o = new Object();
o.r = 'some value';
o.t = 'some other value';

What does the colon (:) in JavaScript represent?

This is an object literal [MDN]:

var obj = {
key: value

// obj.key === value; // true

It assigns value to a property key of obj. While there are no restriction for what value can be (well, it must be something assignable), there are limitations for key: It must be either an identifier name, a string literal or a numeric literal.

More details can be found in section 11.1.5 of the ECMAScript specification.

The literal notation is similar to:

var stuffToDo = {}; // <-- empty object literal

stuffToDo.bar = function() {...};
// or stuffToDo['bar'] = ...

stuffToDo.baz = function() {...};
// or stuffToDo['baz'] = ...

The biggest difference is that when using an object literal, you cannot access other properties of the object during the declaration.

This will not work:

var obj = {
foo: value,
bar: obj.foo

whereas this does:

var obj = {};
obj.foo = value;
obj.bar = obj.foo;

For completeness, there are two other uses of colons in JavaScript:

  • Conditional (ternary) operator [MDN]:

    var val = condition ? true-value : false-value;
  • Labels [MDN]:

    someLabel: var x = 5;

What does a colon mean on a directory in node js?

As SLaks stated, it's a URL pattern, the colon means that you want to receive the URL segments as parameter, here is an example

app.get('/user/:id', function(request, response){
response.send('user ' + request.params.id);

in this example, if you will send a get request to the URL www.server.com/user/mike, the request.params.id will be set to mike.

JavaScript colon operator

That's not a fair comparison, although you're almost there.

var store = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore({
url: "countries.json"
//Creates a new store object, passing an anonymous object in with URL
// property set to "countries.json"

The alternative without the colon operator is:

var props={};
var store = new dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore(props);
//Does same as above but doesn't use :

Not this isn't the only use of : in JavaScript though, it can also be used in the ternary operator (alert(b==c?'equal':'not equal');) and in labels (for example in case statements)

Within a string, how to check whether the previous character ahead of another one is a space?

I would use a replace method with a regex which captures both the optional whitespace (also as sequence) and the colon ...


The callback function of replace gets passed as its arguments ...

  1. the entire match ... e.g. either ' :' or just ':'
  2. the 1st capture for the whitespace ... e.g. either ' ' or just ''
  3. the 2nd capture for the colon ... of cause always ':'

Thus within a callback function one can test for the existence of whitespace(s).

function replaceWsColonGroup(match, space, colon) {
console.log({ match, space, colon });
return (space || " ") + colon;
const regXWsColonGroup = (/(\s*)(:)/g);

' I am: learning javascript =>\n',
'I am: learning javascript'.replace(regXWsColonGroup, replaceWsColonGroup),
' I am : learning javascript =>\n',
'I am : learning javascript'.replace(regXWsColonGroup, replaceWsColonGroup),
' I am\n\t: learning javascript =>\n',
'I am\n\t: learning javascript'.replace(regXWsColonGroup, replaceWsColonGroup),
.as-console-wrapper { min-height: 100%!important; top: 0; }

Select elements by attributes with : (colon)

You need to escape the colon

document.querySelectorAll('[xml\\3A space]')

I used https://mothereff.in/css-escapes to get the code above :)

colon expected javascript error on ajax call in IE

Shorthand object properties (eg:let o = {a, b, c}) are an ES6 feature, not supported on IE11



To fix it, change your data to use the standard key: value notation.

    data: { IsMedical: IsMedical, IsDental: IsDental, IsVision: IsVision, IsLife: IsLife, carrierId: carrierId, employerId: employerId, formId: formId, submissionTypeId: submissionTypeId },

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